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501st Pathfinder
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About JamminJedi

  • Birthday January 7

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    Tampa, Florida USA

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  1. Haha! Words of encouragement! I have no question my GML knows what he's doing as I'm sure he's dealt with this before. I'm really more curious as to what gives IB the impression their stuff is 501st approved when general consensus is not. That's kind of frustrating, time wise more than anything.
  2. honestly, I have the set and didn't like the flak vest either. I'm going to make a new one. But I wanted to start trooping as soon as possible (and because I am TERRIBLE at sewing) so I bought it thinking it would get approved. I got denied. Just wondering if anyone has actually been approved with it.
  3. I'll keep this in mind for future, thank you. For now, I just figured I would ask a different (still related) question.
  4. Is anyone using softparts from Imperial Boots? https://www.imperialboots.com/product/biker-vest/
  5. Thanks to the balaclava I'm assuming? I put mine on in a rush once to test mic placement and forgot I had the fans running... sucked my hair right up into em lol. Thanks for sharing those pics. I LOVE seeing the inside of people's lids! Like fingerprints and snowflakes, no two are ever alike!
  6. Glad to see this thread still quasi active... I have all the anchors for the ties in all the right places (glued)... but how imperative is it to troop with these things zipped up properly? I currently just use velcro to secure everything in place. Velcro lightly stitched onto flack vest shoulders and stuck to underside of shoulder bells. I found it super hard to put the chest piece on with those things flappin around. Do you guys have help getting into costume? I feel like I'm doing something wrong here...
  7. Sweet! Thanks for Posting!! (where are all the little armor greebles?)
  8. USB Cables... not that it matters.
  9. Hey All! First Post! Okay, so I'm not officially 501st yet (pending photo approval atm) but I've spent A LOT of time on and inside my bucket. I'm SUPER happy with the fan situation. I've placed 2 5v brushless cooling fans up in the top pointed down towards the face. Ensuring my breath blew down and out instead of up and around was very important to me and my visor. Also (and mainly) for some reason, my face is SUPER close to the face shield so I couldn't shove anything anywhere near my mouth. Each fan is powered individually by it's own ANKER lipstick USB power pack that I've sewn into little pouches with little velcro straps to attach to the back of my hard hat thingy. The USB cables I salvaged from a couple of those micro drones that bit the dust so I soldered the fans directly into the boards and closed the back up with hot glue. As you can see I've left a good amount of cable coiled up to make replacement super simple.
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