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  1. Hey Clay! No updates. I have it glued together, and I fiberglassed the inside to add stability to it. That's where I left off. Got distracted with a new kid and other projects. I'll be dusting it off soon though. There's a couple of folks here who did the Jesus model and were approved in it (which is why I went that route). If you have a bigger print bed, it'll make life so much easier. Good luck!
  2. That is AWESOME! Love the lights.
  3. Thank you! I just fiberglassed all the armor pieces, next step is to start the finishing process on them. I'm going to do a mix of sanding, XTC3D, bondo (of course), and filler primer. I think it's going to take a bit of everything to get these to approvable levels. Not sure how familiar you are with 3d printing but these are a couple of "ah ha" things from me from my journey so far. My biggest tip so far is, if you have to break up the armor to fit your printer, slice it all out in Meshmixer instead of your slicing program. I tried cutting it up in Slic3r and had all kinds of scale issues. Meshmixer was a savior. I actually made a video that I'll post showing how I did it. Oh, and lowering my expectations as the prints leave the plate... I know it's not going to look good until all the elbow grease goes into it. There were a few moments where I thought... WTF am I doing here... this looks like crap... and then I thought back to the dozens of 3d printed parts I made look like metal for my R2 and remembered, yeah, I can do this haha. Ugh, what was life like before 3d printing?
  4. Oh good tip! I have some XTC but never thought about using the resin to accomplish the same goal! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Armor and Helmet Update Hello everyone! A quick update. My chest and back armor have been printed and glued together. I printed them both in PETG for the extra stability (I hope). I super glued everything together with some zip kicker to help speed things along but also add some structural support. The same goes for the helmet. I'll have my work cut out for me on this next step of finishing everything. I'm hoping the skills I developed finishing 3d parts for my R2 will transfer over to this haha. Before I start my epic sanding adventure though, I'm going to lay some fiberglass on the backside of the chest and back armor, as well as line the helmet with fiberglass to help hold everything together. Fingers crossed this helps reduce the risk of accidental cracks and breaks (at least on the seams).
  6. I think this was a scaling issue. I tried to cut up the full back file in my slicer program but that caused some measurement issues. I ended up slicing it in Meshmixer instead and now everything is back to normal. It's okay, I have some junk parts to give to my Jawa friend. She's always looking for scrap pieces lol.
  7. Body Armor Update Hello all! So I've been printing out my body armor in pieces, and I'm now working on the back piece. I scaled the front up to 105% on Slicer to accommodate my larger frame. I thought I did the same for the back armor, however the straps don't seem to be the same width. So my question is, did I not scale up properly or is this piece supposed to be smaller and fit into the channel of the front armor? Take a look at the images and let me know what you think. I can't seem to find a decent image from the top to see how they connect! Thanks!
  8. Helmet Update Whew... okay, slicing up the bucket to accommodate my print bed has really made this a challenge. Wowie. All pieces have been printed (pictures to come) however for one reason or another everything isn't fitting as nicely as one would expect. In the meantime, I think I need to start pricing out real bucket kits!
  9. Helmet Update Quick update from the road (In Atlanta for the night while my printer pumps away). I'm using a Prusa MK2.5S so the build plate isn't big enough to print the whole helmet so I had to cut the main bucket into five pieces. I have the first two pieces of the bucket shell done and it seems to wrap around my head nicely with lots of space. Still have three more pieces to go so that will be the true test for fit! I'm printing the helmet in PETG. Question for the group - what super glue do you use to get a nice bond on PETG? I tried DAP's super glue gel, I think it was called rapid fuse. For the life of me I couldn't get the pieces to stick though oddly. I've never had an issue gluing up ABS and PLA with CA glue so was surprised when I had such a hard time doing it with PET! I ordered some zip kicker so hopefully that will help, but for any of you who have done any printing in PETG I'd love to hear how you're fusing pieces together. Oh and here's a pic of one half of the bucket shell and the visor! Thanks!
  10. Thanks! Good luck with your build as well. So glad we have this support group here haha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. This is awesome. Thank you for the help! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Helmet Build Tonight I purchased Jesus Salmeron's 3d design from CGTraders (here), it's a great setup, and he even includes the supports if you're using Simplify3D (I'm not, I use Prusa Slicer - but the thought is still nice). I just fired up the printer, starting with the visor. Fingers crossed that it fits alright. I'm assuming the helmet size is relatively universal? I guess I'll find out when I print the bucket! Which, in hindsight is probably what I should have started with.
  13. Thank you!! And just started printing my helmet... here goes... something!
  14. Greetings everyone! I've decided to take the first steps on a much larger journey and start my scout trooper build. I've been trooping with the 501st for about three years now as ROTJ Vader and I figured it was time to add a new costume to my collection now that I've finished my R2 build (well, the static version, next step is to make him RC - but I needed a break). So why the scout trooper? Well, a couple reasons: 1) Lots of soft parts, so I can flex my sewing skills for this project. I can't wait to crack open the sewing machine! 2) I really wanted a 3d printed solution so I could adjust the size and also hone my finishing skills. 3) The idea of having a costume where I can sit down is pretty awesome Here's my source list, I'll be updating this regularly as I make my way through this project: Bucket: Jesus Salmeron's 3d design from CGTraders (here) - Not yet started Armor: MrPoopie's 3d designs from Thingiverse (here) - Printing in progress Flight Suit: RedKap from Amazon (here) - Purchased, but not yet started And these are some of the builds I'm following: Emile1138 Brasidas76 Gooseman77 I'll add a progress update later but wanted to get the topic started!
  15. Hello! Starting on my flight suit, any chance you have a link to all your pictures? Seems they're all broken in the post above. Thanks!
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