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  1. Well, you have way more experience then I have but I guess it wouldn't hurt to share my experience. I ordered the armor and red label clean helmet and received them last Friday. After trying to put it all on I noticed everything all of you noticed, like you need to fix stuff together (chestpiece and cummerbund for example). Because of my lenght, I ordered the soft parts from Chef's Creations. A few things I noticed on the armour are: One of the Thermal detonator screws broke loose after clipping it a few times. The kneepads do hurt me when both straps are in place. This is not the case when I use just one strap (bottom one). Other then that, yeah since I am still building up everything and see how things work, the armor and helmet are good enough to me.
  2. Yeah I feel better buying an assembled kit rather then a DIY. I probably have a lot of time to think about it though because of the Corona Crisis. When time comes, I'll probably make my way to Manchester.
  3. Thanks for your reply. Yeah I noticed from other pictures. I tried to put the bund up today and noticed it's perfectly possible. It doesn't look like Chef's Creations sell everything (armor, helmet etc.) or maybe DIY kits which... I don't look forward to do. Anyways, any hints on buying the other parts to complete the suit, with the exception of a DIY kit from which I am pretty sure I'll screw it up, lol.
  4. Hi There, This is a continuation of my earlier introduction thread here . I ordered everything from Chef's Creations . Which as you can see in this picture delivered most soft parts: Flight Suit, Cummerbund, Flak Vest, Boots, pouches. So now I need the armor parts and helmet. I am thinking about ordering from RSProps Are there any recommendations? I am thinking about visiting RSProps as well, see if everything fits and how it looks like. Anyways, I would like to hear from you what you think. As I mentioned in my other thread, I am rather tall so I couldn't order everything from RS Props since they only go up to XL in soft parts.
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