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Everything posted by Commodore212

  1. Is there a specific place to rivet them or is it just wherever on the belt it ends up?
  2. The kit I got was made to have holes there and I E-6000d the 3 plastic pieces together as was instructed by another 501st member but I will rivet and glue the belt on. How are the thigh boxes attached in the back?
  3. Also I don’t have rivets or a river gun is there anything else I could use?
  4. Hey guys I bought a biker scout belt and everything is working good but I am unsure of how to attach the plastic Pieces to the fabric belt part . The side boxes I’m pretty sure are riveted but do I rivet or E-6000 the buckle on? And is the buckle connected to the side boxes? I circled a part on the buckle in red, wondering if I should drill a hole there to put a rivet into. Thank you!https://www.dropbox.com/s/yvbx57onjynry5c/Photo Nov 07%2C 5 51 29 PM.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/izj3qleqsjki9ud/Photo Nov 07%2C 5 51 39 PM.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/3wlpmsqf0mdbo8e/Photo Nov 07%2C 5 51 43 PM.jpg?dl=0
  5. I don’t have white thread and If I need white I’ll get it but I’m just wondering if I need to
  6. Would I still be approved though if I used brown and passed it off as weathering?
  7. Dang alright thanks is there any specific color that I need to use like if I used brown could I still be approved?
  8. I was wondering about the scout trooper boots. On the “dog bone” part there are 2 lines of stitching on either side. If I don’t have the stitching present on the “dog bone” would my boots still be approvable? https://www.dropbox.com/s/9kyhwpiekkte44x/Photo Sep 07%2C 6 11 08 PM.png?dl=0
  9. Is it necessary to put the thread on the “dog bone”? Is it not approvable unless it has the thread on it?
  10. I recently bought some boots for a scout trooper and I carved out the soles according to how they were in the movie and I’m wondering if they would be approvable. Take into account that I have yet to add the white vinyl I’m just questioning about the soles right now
  11. hey I just bought this helmet from a private seller on eBay for $190 and I was wondering if it would be approvable to join 501st
  12. Thanks so much for the help!
  13. Alright I accidentally trimmed it down a little too much since it was my first time building an armor kit so is there any way to fix it or reinforce that area?
  14. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g2t88rx9fng5dp4/Photo Jul 30%2C 6 13 13 PM.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/u5a8iby8l4jeede/Photo Jul 30%2C 6 13 21 PM.jpg?dl=0 there’s a little bit of a return edge should I get rid of it?
  15. I was using actual bondo for a few layers but it kept cracking so I tried using spackel and I ran into the same issue of it cracking
  16. I glued plastic along the inside of the helmet plus the plexiglass at the top as shown in the picture and it isn’t quite working what should I add in addition to the plastic strips to reinforce it?
  17. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mz8rx6b7fny7eha/Photo Jul 29%2C 7 49 26 PM.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/f92478y0ag0h5mi/Photo Jul 29%2C 7 49 20 PM.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/fgt783h2beunucm/Photo Jul 30%2C 10 47 41 AM.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/sfqa23fqt6r2c56/Photo Jul 30%2C 10 49 05 AM.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyxytmhxgwxukgl/Photo Jul 30%2C 10 51 38 AM.jpg?dl=0
  18. I thought so too. Although the spackel I am using is getting a bit harder to work with so maybe it’s drying out? I’ll try buying a new can and try again. Also the very back bottom edge of the helmet is cracking but I can see why since it’s the bottom and the whole weight of the helmet is resting on it, but is there anything I can do it ensure that won’t crack?
  19. https://www.etsy.com/listing/276805062/star-wars-biker-scout-trooper-helmet-kit?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=biker+scout+hekmet&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&organic_search_click=1&sca=1 this is the kit I got btw
  20. I glued plastic strips onto the inside of the helmet to connect the 2 halves, and it worked for most of the helmet but on the flat part of the dome it kept flexing so I glued a piece of plexiglass into it to get it to be more stable but it still didn’t help. Also I’m not sure how to use imgur or Dropbox yet
  21. I am having trouble putting together my scout trooper helmet. I bought a helmet kit which had the helmet split into 5 pieces, with a large seam running up the middle of the helmet. I tried filling in the seam with spackel and bondo but whatever I do it keeps cracking and creating a seam. Can anyone give me advice? (Side not I tried uploading pictures but the file size is too big apparently)
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