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About pben

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    Portuguese Garrison
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  1. Thank you! That helps to clarify-
  2. Hey guys, I'm having a Basic approval CRL doubt about the straps that connect the back and the chest. Chest Armor The sides of the chest armor attach to the back armor with white webbing. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Side under arm chest/back straps are made from 40mm (1.5") white cotton webbing. Optional: 40mm (1.5 inch) white elastic material is acceptable provided the color matches. My reading of this is that we need to basic approve the armor with webbing straps but have the option to use elastic straps at the Lancer submission? Shouldn't it be the opposite? Webbing/elastic for Basic and just webbing for Lancer?
  3. I feel it's a good shape. Though it's not riveted yet and has only tape at the top.
  4. Thank for your quick advice! Also, the holster size is also about right for Lancer, I guess?
  5. Hey there, I'm about to rivet the holster to the boots. What is your opinion on the positioning? The holster rests 1.5cm below the boot top.
  6. Very nice solution!!
  7. They'll have a look on that too. I'm very happy with them. I'm based on this image: And this is mine currently: Well maybe a 1cm trim?
  8. Well the boots have already arrived. But the holster hasn't
  9. About the holster height, will this cut suffice what is expected? I think the green line will be better? Or red?
  10. That will be done! Thank you both
  11. A question: Do you thing that the visor should be more trimmed?
  12. The boots look really cool! Can you please post also an image of the gloves?
  13. That will be perfectly fine. Monday I'll speak with my seamstress to tell her that!
  14. The guys at RWA Creations also updated me on the armor build. Trimming is not yet finished. That was some days ago, so it should be more assembled by now.
  15. Updates so far. The flighsuit is back from the seamstress with the thigh straps tighten. I've already tried it on and it's as expected. I should take a pic just for this WIP. I've had notice that Chef's has finished my boots. Here is an image of his last batch. Mine are in the middle.
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