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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by f3tt4l1f3

  1. What are you printing in? I just switched over from PLA to PETG for this build, and I experienced some lifting from the build plate on some of the thinner parts (even running a heated bed). This mainly occurred with the chest & back armor pieces. I had to do quite a bit of "filling" with my soldering iron and extra filament for some of the gaps.
  2. Welcome, fellow 3D printer/DIYer! I'm basically following the same path you are (hard & soft parts). I printed that exact helmet, and modded it for the CRL requirements. I just finished up printing all of the hard parts, and I'm in the process of filling, sanding, and priming to get them ready for the final white paint. I look forward to following your progress. Keep up the great work!
  3. It's a 3D print I found on thingiverse by surfinbird132.
  4. Ok, that makes sense. I will use my decals as my guide. Thanks!
  5. Is there an existing definitive list of the exact paint colors for all of the different grey parts of the costume? I know that the best grey for the snout has been determined to be: Pantone Cool Grey 8C or 1994 Testor's Model Master Navy Aggressor Gray (FS 36251) However, searching through the forums for the proper color for the visor bolt caps, the grey area on the chest armor, the detonator tube cording, etc., I'm seeing them referred to as "light grey" or "medium" grey, or a barrage of different suggested primers, etc. It's very overwhelming. If a list doesn't currently exist, would it be possible to put one together, and then get it pinned within the appropriate forum?
  6. Received the Testors and shot the snout. Here's the result:
  7. Thanks, guys! Since the Pantone is a bit tough to obtain, I have ordered a can of the Testors.
  8. Hi, all... First post, here. I have searched through all of the existing posts and found that there are many different greys used for the snout. I ended up using Rust-oleum flat grey primer, being that it is a bit darker than other primers. I want to get the color right before I glue the snout in, so my question is, does this color look like it will pass? Thanks, in advance!
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