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About Delco

  • Birthday 04/24/2001

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  • Location
    Lynchburg, VA
  • Interests
    Replica Prop collecting, anything Sci-FI, and VR Gaming!

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  1. My Altmann helmet arrived today and it's like a piece of art, love it. Here's a quick picture (I'll be needing a balaclava) Still waiting on the bund and boots, things are understandably taking a tad longer than usual. Very excited though!
  2. Okay, final picture for today, I promise. 😆 I did some stitching on the vest and I reduced the flare on the sleeves a bit, I also equalized the length of the sleeves to make them more symmetrical. I'm pretty happy with it now, looks more in line with what I had been going after.
  3. How's this look? I tightened the biceps and brought the shoulder bells down to reduce the length of the vest sleeves. One of the sleeves looks to be longer than the other, not sure what that's about. Might even be too subtle to worry about.
  4. Flightsuit and flak vest arrived today from KriptonTop, here's the pics of my first time trying it on. Thoughts on the biceps? I've been having a hard time positioning them in the right spot, but I've used velcro to keep them secure. Anything else I may have missed? Thanks!
  5. I've been lurking here, but I just finished my bag today! Not totally screen accurate as I could only get hold of an olive green variant, but I'm happy with it. Thanks for all the info and reference pics you all! 😄
  6. I've made some good progress, soon enough I'll be back to waiting on the rest of the pieces! Turns out I've had far less confusion about the construction than I had originally anticipated, but I'll still post progress pics here and there. I put on a random jacket as a stand in for the flight suit for now. I did the zip-tied shoulder bells closely following 007's tutorial, really happy with how that turned out. 😄 I have belt clips in the mail for the thermal detonator, I'll be doing that later in the week.
  7. I've already got Cheesewhoopy's cummberbund and pouches on order. I was thinking about the strapping for the drop boxes and whatnot.
  8. Right on, looking a little more at it, I had actually planned on doing everything up to lancer status except for the off-white fabric pieces (or is that optional?). So I'm already on the right track.
  9. Relieved to hear! You raise a good point, I suppose I don't really have a good excuse. I'll have to get some extra stuff to accommodate that plan, but we'll see!
  10. I just received my SC armor today! Right now I won't be shooting for Lancer status, maybe in the future, but not now. I also won't necessarily be using this thread to log all of my progress, but mainly for asking questions to solve problems I run into along the way. =] So here goes my first question, how are my tank stripes? They were the first thing I did minutes after opening the box.
  11. Oh yeah, I am gonna see about weathering after everything else is together.
  12. I'm amazed at how friendly and welcoming you all are! 😄 You've made me feel a whole lot more confident in doing this for sure. Once I pull the trigger on this, I'll make sure to ask as many questions as I need to over here. (I won't be going for Lancer) Thank you!
  13. Thanks for the encouragement =] I've given it some thought and I figured I should be able to pull through, it seems easy enough with such simple tools. Plus it'll save me tons of cash, hehe. I'll make sure to post here if I run into any problems or confusion with the assembly!
  14. I've finally decided to pull the trigger on getting my own biker scout set. I picked up the cummerbund and pouches from Cheesewhoopy (I got their boots as well) I bought a flak vest and flight suit from KriptonTop on Etsy, along with some gloves from WampaWear And I purchased a lovely Altmann helmet due to my large head. That leaves me with one thing left, the armor itself! 😁 I bailed on a clone trooper build early on because I struggled with the helmet kit I bought, so I'm mostly set on a pre-built set of SC armor. What are your thoughts on this path? I'm within the height and weight range that their website lists, but I haven't been able to find any feedback on that the pre-built variant, just posts regarding their trimmed kit. I am prepared to adjust it for a better fit, but I wanted to ask here first just to make certain that I'll take the correct path. (It's been a pleasure reading the various threads around here while doing research, you seem like a very friendly bunch!)
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