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PFD Recruit
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    Martin Schwarz
  1. I'm currently building the E22 and can't find the color code for the paint anywhere. What color is used for the paintwork?
  2. Thank you, the link help me so much ...
  3. Hello together, I would like print the helmet but I need the helmet dimension, I know, that the dimension are different, but if I have a direction for the dimension, then I have a better felling to print the helmet and I must not start several times to print the helmet. You can find current dimension from my helmet in the attachement, but looks to small for a normal head 🙂 Regards Martin
  4. Hello together, I look also for a Khaki British P37 bag and for the Military Double Prong Canvas Belt, but I don't find a online shop in Europe, have anyone maby a link for me?
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