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Everything posted by NurseSparky2019

  1. Yeah, I try to research before I ask questions, but there are so many techniques. When you weld, do you melt both sides of the seams as you cover the seam so it all becomes one continuous piece?
  2. Awesome, thanks!
  3. Hi all. I've successfully split, sliced, and printed Nico's helmet files. Now I'm to the point where I'm tacking them together with CA. My question is, what does everyone use to reinforce the seams? Fiberglass, PLA thermal weld, printed biscuits/strips?
  4. Getting ready to spackle and glove mold
  5. Awesome. I’ve been in contact with guys w/experience from my local detachment as well. They were concerned with the price of the project, but I explained to them that I just want to MAKE one. They seem to think too, that 501 will be fair about it. I was just nervous that I was knee deep in a no-win situation. I’ll cast bucks of course, and depending on the reception I get from 501, I may try to cast or pull a few sets to pay for my endeavor.
  6. I totally get that. I’m dry-fitting the base elements to me, then drawing measures on how it “should” fit according to CRL references
  7. Okay boys and girls ... I have been wanting to SCULPT and BUILD an ST armor set. I bought a cheap set and have been using it to pull rough dimensions from. Now I’m gathering that I may encounter a more discerning eye from 501 because it’s a self-build. I have been using official CRL pics to add the necessary details to my sculpt, but if they’re gonna bust my chops because I’m not a vetted vendor, I’ll quit now. Im trying to improve on the kit I bought, not copy, cut corners, or anything of the sort. AND I’M NOT RECASTING! Any input???
  8. BEAUTIFUL! I was thinking along the same lines—it adds depth to the armor without bulk. That being said, I am working on designing and sculpting my own armor from scratch and will consider such issues in the design process. Thanks for the input!!!
  9. Hello all, A quick question about armor edges. As you can see in the photo, the armor comes with a rolled edge from the forming process. How much of this perpendicular edge should be trimmed off or kept? And is it uniform to keep/trim across all armor pieces? I haven’t seen a kit assembled and can not discern from many of the pics online. TIA
  10. That’s exactly what I was thinking too. Take a little time and add some fine details in the weathering to accentuate angles/creases, et cetera. Kinda like how my daughters apply their makeup, lol!
  11. Thanks a lot for the response. I’ll check with the powers that be, but I’ll be modding any future suits just to satisfy my own neuroses ... lol
  12. Hey all, wondering if I could inquire as to the amount of "crispness/sharpness" that's required for 501st approval. I look at the CRL reference pics and the edges are so much more defined than on my vacuformed kit. Two points in particular, the greeblies on the ab plate and the recesses on the forearms. Will they be acceptable a little "soft"? Maybe I'm just worrying too much about it ...
  13. Yeah, from what I gather by research, this is the path I figured it would take. I'm really looking forward to taking it on even though I know it's gonna be the long hard road. I think it may give me a chance to become more familiar with the armor and maybe introduce some modifications.
  14. One of the great things about building a suit is that it's an outlet for creativity. In the spirit of trying to be as creative as possible, I was considering sculpting and forming armor kits. Just wondering, how many out there have done this? I'm definitely NOT talking about recasting, all work would be executed by drawing dimensions from existing suits and then sculpting new templates. Any thoughts?
  15. WOW this is gonna be an immensely helpful thread … Thanks so much for the work that went into this!!!
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