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Everything posted by delcid56789

  1. the helmet looks stunning
  2. the box art of the MT is actually a little bit different than the figure though
  3. Agreed and i dont think the thigh guards would be fabric, but it we wont know atleast if they dont show up in episode 9
  4. alright so i made a list of sone things that looked reused, modified, and new reused: FOTK- forearms, shoulder bells(modified) shoretrooper-ab plate, hand guards( and maybe gloves too), biceps ( might be modified) imperial combat assault tank driver- belt and thermal detonator are the closest to the mountain trooper but are modified a bit. FO snow trooper- shin guards, boot spats, boots new: chest and back plates are new but do use some stuff from the shoretrooper chest and back plate, the hip plates are a bit more different from the shoretroopers, the helmet is very close to the shoretrooper but is obviously heavily modified. anyways this is what i see is used to make this armor, atleast after observing the the photos and crls let me know what you think
  5. looks like i found my next costume
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