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About Cosmic

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    Austrian Garrison
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  1. Thank you Peter, I will take care of the Flightsuit as soon as possible.🙂
  2. After a 15 Week waiting time, my RS Scout finally arrived. Since i ordered the complete commission the armor came pre build except the helmet and i've been already as busy as a bee tweaking a few minor things to make the armor fit better. Boots are made by Imperial boots but i'm not sure where they ordered the gloves from but they are super comfortable. First, i started building the helmet and interior. Helmet ready to be painted. Here is the final product, aimed for a more realistic look. Voice amplifier is the Aker 1506 and for the static burst the iComm. For the Lens i've ordered one from Ople Props Germany because his lenses are like sunglasses without blurring or distortion. Much better than the RS green plastic ones. And here is my first test fit. For the Flightsuit i went for the XL because i don't like the skin tight look around the thighs but i didn't expect it to be that wide to be honest😬 Is it still acceptable or is it too much of bulking around the thigh and butt area? After those fotos were made, i've added stirrups to straighten the crinkles out a bit. Maybe the codpiece could be worn a bit higher as well as it looks a bit loose. The three stripes decals on the forehead are also already lowerd a bit as they were too high as you can see on the fotos. What do you think, am i good to go for basic approval? And yes, it's Ewok fur i'm standing on😁
  3. I wish you and your Mom all the best Nathan.
  4. I have to say i have never seen more dedication and friendly troopers willing to help and to support others in any forum as in the Pathfinders🙂 This will be of much help when my build finally beginns. As said above Phil, your'e almost there, don't give up and you will be the proudest of all Scouts once you are approved
  5. It seems i'm not the only one with the cummerbund problem when pulled down it makes the jumpsuit appear.
  6. The best time filler you can have actually😊but....it makes me a little nervous reading about all the weatherd and dirty scouts here to tell you guys when my armor finally arrives that it will be shiny as hell😬 Maybe some day, when it becomes too annoying for me to clean it after every troop, it will be dirty, maybe😉
  7. Just stumbled over your thread Corey, You did an awesome job in documenting everything a new Scout needs. Indeed you covered everything i agonize on how i will do it with my RS armour when it finally arrives. Thank you so much
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