Thanks for the replies guys.
Yes, my mistake was measuring the chest/back assembly while wearing a t-shirt, not the flight suit and cummberbund. It was printed at 100% size, so upscaling it should be fairly easy. My friend and I will do a proper measuring this weekend in preparation for the reprint.
@Retrofire there are slight (1-2mm deep I think) indents on the tank greeblie where the red line and white dot are. According to my GML they should be flat. Since I'm reprinting the back and tank anyway, I can fill them in with putty and filler primer, so it's not that big a deal. But I figured I'd ask if there are alternate STLs out there so I wouldn't have to. @MrPoopie I was surprised I got dinged for the depressions too, since I saw the same thing on other people's builds. But if the GML wants them gone, I guess I get rid of them.
How much thinner should I make the butt flap, percentage wise?
Also, what do you guys think of the spacing of the hip box straps at the rear of the belt (where the thermal detonator is). Are they too far apart, or are they fine where they are? Since I have to redo the hip box straps anyway, I can move them if I have to.
I'll see if the seamstress I'm getting to alter my flight suit riding pads can also stiffen up the white crotch pad too, using your tutorial example.
Expect more questions as I go.