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501st Pathfinder
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Cricket last won the day on May 3 2021

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About Cricket

  • Birthday March 2

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  • 501st Garrison
    Georgia Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Shoretrooper: Squad Leader

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  1. Looking sharp, trooper! Nice! (make sure you swap those shins next time... )
  2. Just a suggestion, but you might find that Lexan scissors cut much more easily through plastic than regular scissors do. They really are time and effort savers! Might be worth getting another pair.
  3. Hang in there, Alexandra! When I was feeling less than motivated to do anything on my kit, I told myself to do just one little thing on it. Nothing was too small. A trim of 1cm. One pass of the sanding block on an edge. I tried to do one super small thing a day... and more often than not (and if I had time), I would end up doing a little more than I had planned. And if I didn't, it was no biggie. You got this!!!
  4. Let the printing (then endless sanding) begin!!!
  5. Damn! You look amazing! Great job (and please don't punch the baby... hard...)!
  6. Are you missing the skinny straps for the shins (seen on the bottom of the shins)? I don't see them there. I see the buckles for them, though.
  7. Welcome, Risa! Don't let the strapping intimidate you. It's pretty straightforward once you get it all assembled. And easier than a TK!
  8. Okay, I'm trying really hard to figure out what this means, because visualizing it is really... weird?
  9. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you put the gloves on after putting on the forearm. It should be kind of smallish around the wrist (if I've read right).
  10. As far as I know, the shirts made by DSC all meet current CRL requirements for the 501st. Ask him for some pics and you'll see. Mike is a good guy and is great to work with.
  11. You were much kinder in that review than I would have been.
  12. Hey Alex, Looking at how you've got your shins on, they appear too long to me. Maybe it's just the angle of the photo, though? The tops of the shin armor (not the outer detail) should be somewhere at the bottom of your kneecap when your leg is straight. It looks like the entire top part of the shin armor covers your entire knee. In the pic below, the green line represents roughly where the top of the shin armor is. Look closely, and you'll see that it is slightly below the center of where the diamond knee patch is. This is where the knee bends. Another reference shot. Again, it could be the pics, but compared to the reference images, your breeches look really big, like the legs could be taken in a bit. Maybe someone else could chime in here? Please don't get discouraged!!! You're doing great- we're all here to help you look your best.
  13. Be glad you're not 3D printing your kit. 😆 (also a card carrying member of the I Hate Sanding club)
  14. You got this! Every little thing you do on your kit is good work. You'll be in the painting stage of the build in no time. Keep it up!
  15. Ah, yeah, the listing for that lid looks questionable. 😕 Is it too late to cancel the order? If not, it'll be interesting to see what you receive. The pics posted from his other ST lid sales don't look right to me. For example, the visor is mounted in a way that makes it recessed relative to the visor rim below it. The visor would, in theory, be able to pivot down and over the eyes to protect them. So it should look like it floats over the edge above the eyes, not sit on top of it. The visor looks kind of squished to me, making the entire top part of the helmet seem too narrow. See just a few of these lids for comparison: This is just something I'm observing from my admittedly untrained eye. It jumps out at me for sure. Maybe yours won't be like this? 🍀
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