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501st Pathfinder
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About DarthBerry

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  • 501st Garrison
    Pacific Outpost
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Good news! It took a bit of time but the E6000 fill, light scraping, and paint was good for approval and I had my first troop as a TB today. Thanks again for all the help, pathfinders!
  2. Thanks all! I'll get to work on it soon and update you guys with some (hopefully) good news!
  3. Aloha Scouts! I'm new to the legion and just did my first few troops in my TIE reserve pilot last week (you can see me on the 501st social media posts today next to Kylo! #pacificoutpost). I purchased a used (previously approved) set of biker scout armor from someone my exact same build while I was working on the TI. It fits like a glove, but didn't get approved after I submitted it because of the rivets in the belt. The CRL states: "There are only two (2) visible rivets on the belt: one on each side toward the back to connect the webbing closure material to the plastic belt." My GML just had a problem with the 2 on each side attaching the hard plastic to soft, but I realized there are a total of 10 rivets because of the ones connecting the leg boxes and the plastic to itself. My current plan is to drill out the bottom rivet connecting the plastic to the soft belt, then fill it, paint it, and resubmit photos. I plan to remove the rest of the remaining rivets if he still doesn't approve the belt because of them. What I wanted to ask you Scout veterans is if this is a common problem from getting older armors reapproved and if there was any better way that I should go about doing this. Is drilling out a rivet the best way to remove it? Any suggestions on how to fill? Mahalo! Images: http://imgur.com/a/DudeDgE
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