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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Lux

  1. Congrats Alessandro! Let’s definitely hope that someone else in Italica will follow our example
  2. So happy that my application passed the approval! I’ll send the pic ASAP. It is an honor to be part of the Vanguard hall of fame but, for this result, I want to thank the approval team for the accurate instructions on what to modify, and fellow trooper @Sox/ST 27717 for his invaluable assistance!
  3. Thank you! You definitely made my day ❤️ It has been a challenging task to complete all the modifications, but I’m glad you are happy with those!
  4. Pls be advised that my last post has been edited due to picture hosting change to imgur, since photobucket was not allowing picture zoom for some reason.
  5. Finally got around to finishing the mods. Handplates substitution to display front slots - completed Kama substitution adjusted for correct length - completed Boots darkened and distressed with added sand effect - completed Full figure picture Looking for your approval on all the above. Thank you... ciao!
  6. Some more progress on the mods. Backplate right greeblie box substitution to better show top ridged strip and step removed - done.
  7. It is my understanding that a 'Hero' version exists of this prop with the added charging handle slide which is the base prop used, please see below: Reference: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/41271-rogue-one-e-11-blaster-reference/
  8. Apologies if this took some time but had other obligations in RL to attend to first. 1. E-11 Blaster mods Ejector port fixed, power cylinders changed substituted, charging handle slide added: 2. Chin cup substitution 3. Backplate holes deepened Mods still pending: Backplate right greeblie box substitution to better show top ridged strip - in the works Handplates substitution to display front slots - in the works Kama substitution adjusted for correct length Will update accordingly as I progress on the pending mods.
  9. Yep, it looks easier to me too. I still prefer the other for aesthetic reasons but, considering my lack of DIY skills, probably your suggestion is the best thing I could inflict to that poor back plate 😋
  10. Cool, thank you! I think I'll go with the option of making them deeper, but not completely going through the plate.
  11. It’s actually there, but that part will be printed anew to remove the step around the cylinder, and also the strip will be made more evident. Thank you for pointing this out.
  12. Thank you for pointing that out, sure I'll work on the rest
  13. Yep. I took the pictures then I noticed the ridge was too long, so I modified it. The correct version is this one Thank for all the indicated corrections. I'll get back to you after I've implemented them.
  14. I hereby submit the request for approuval. Here are the details of my armour, pictures below. Helmet: 3D print (Al3d files modified and printed by Joel Carter with lens step mod) Armor: 3D print (Al3d files modified and printed by Joel Carter) Shoulder Straps/buckles: 3D print (Al3d files modified and printed by Joel Carter) TD and Pringle Can: 3D print (Al3d files modified and printed by Joel Carter) Handplates: 3D print (Al3d files modified and printed by Joel Carter) Boots: Orca Bay Sand (weathered and aged) Shirt and Neck Seal: Sheev's Emporium Jodhpurs and Kama: Rebel Base Art (Steven Walker) weathering with Dity Down spray Belt: Imperial Issue Belt Boxes: 3D print (Al3d files modified and printed by Joel Carter) Gloves: Imperial Boots E11 R1: 3D print (3D Props NL, printed, finished and weathered by Eelco Sengers) Painting and finishing: paint colours are as per L2 requirements: Montana Gold Sahara Beige, Ford Nordic Blue dusted with matte black and Grey Dirty Down, Toyota Red 3E5, Matte Yellow (Monatana Gold) and Montana Gold Shock Black details. Weathered with dark umber and transparent black acrylics. Matte clear lacquer.
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