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I3OI3A F377

PFD Recruit
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    french garrison
  1. Hello. First of all, Happy New Year to all. I am looking for info on treadspeeder pilots because my wife and I (501 french garrison all 2) fell in love with them and I found my happiness in your company :). Looking at the photos of the shoot (movie) and those we see in the film (CGI) the costume changes, especially at the level of the legs. On closer inspection (CGI images) the shins and boots look a lot like those of the jet trooper (and those of the sith trooper for that matter). My question is: Do you think that the CRL will derive more towards the Movie images rather than the CGI one, because the purchase of the motorcycle boots rather than the "standard" boots is not the same budget, the shins will be a little easier to find and the holster and the SE44C add a plus to the costume I find. You've done an incredible job of research and I watch it all with great interest. Take good care of yourself thank you so much
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