Hello Command Staff.
Details of my application for vanguard are as follows:
Armour- 3d printed Alain Rivard files.
Helmet - 3d printed Nico Henderson files, Paul’s lens.
Hip armour- made and finished by Paul.
Buckles and strap set from Paul.
Pouch set from Paul.
Belt- Rob Kittell
Boots- Orca Bay Brecon
Gloves- Imperial Boots
Shirt and neck seal- Imperial boots V2
Military surplus M56 mag pouch
D bay 94 (german garrison tk) on Etsy E11b 3d printed kit.
Sean fields E22 with mods and correct m plate files (thank you Mickey)
Breeches- Steven Walker
Paint list -
Halfords Ford Rio Brown base coat
Halfords matt black - helmet, bell stripes, weapons etc.
Halfords Toyota red 3E5 right bicep
Montana gold Sahara Beige all armour.
Montana gold yellow taxi cab - bicep squares
Montana gold pebble white
Pantone 1445 Spicy Orange custom mix can for helmet symbol
Dirty down grey and dark brown
Daler Rowney raw umber and black acrylics for weathering and aeging sprays
Plastazote for chest and back
Over the past year i have been making the necessary mods and acquiring the parts needed for L2. My original 850 arms and legs have been replaced with Alain Rivards files the same as the rest of my armour. Alains helmet replaced with Nico Hendersons 3d printed files.
All replacements have been printed in carbon fibre pla and finished by me. Same process for all of it. Hand sanded raw prints , no filler. Then base coat brown, liquid mask fluid for chips, Sahara coats. Belt sanding and hand sanding, filing and 4 passes of dirt and aeging sprays.
The shins have about 25 magnets to connect the greaves to the clams along with the straps they are solid and can sprint in them with no issues...except I’m sprinting.
Thank you for your time and efforts in your consideration.
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