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501st Pathfinder
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matthewjblack last won the day on May 27 2019

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46 Excellent

About matthewjblack

  • Birthday 04/26/1979

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    Art director (star wars) at Sideshow collectibles. disney nut,and star wars fan.

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  • 501st Garrison
    southern california
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Yes Sir! Roger that. Avoid drama, and kill Ewoks!
  2. looked ok to me. i think most people are used to seeing the toys, or life size 501st bikes. all of which usually have much longer forks than the screen used ones did. i think the endor speeders are about 10ft?
  3. at least my armor is cannon now...... so there is that. and the light colored bikes were pretty cool.
  4. all true, but the obviously did is on purpose. even one of the TK's was missing his detonator. maybe they TB's were just gangsta! trust me. nothing happens in lucasfilm/disney without a TON of oversight, and justification. i have been down that road many times over the last couple decades.
  5. honestly, knowing what i know about the production, it has to have been a deliberate attempt at making them look, "post empire". maybe not what we all wanted, but they wanted to show the general decay, and lack of standards among individual leadership commands. when Moff Gideon's troops showed up, they were spic and span compared to that of Werner Herzog's troops. do they look like crap? YUP! but so do his storm troopers.
  6. that is pretty slick!! im thinking about doing something similar. did you airbrush this? looks like some dry brushing as well.
  7. oh dear... looking at this hurts my brain!
  8. i could not be more jealous!
  9. im not sure i would have to take it apart too much. the way it is manufactured an engineered would be different than the real costume anyway. i would like to get it down to the under suit if possible to see what further details can be gleaned.
  10. i can. i have glue. ill rebuild him, like the 6 million dollar man. they really need to adjust for inflation with that guy.......
  11. i can make that happen. im just down the street in encino.
  12. i have the hot toys figure on order, and should be arriving soon. ill get more photos to add to the effort. ill strip it down to get some more detailed shots as well.
  13. very nice overview. may I ask how much you paid for the trimmed kit? Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
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