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    Tijeras N.M.
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    3D Printing and owner of Part Time Props

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  1. Just thought i would bring you up to speed on this build. I feel pretty good that the helmet is finished!
  2. Wayner, You can double check with Mr Poopie, but i'm pretty sure that we could use red 1/4" air line tubing for the wires. Light and durable, moldable with heat gun and other wires could be run inside of it if needed. https://www.amazon.com/SNS-Pneumatic-Meters-Tubing-Transfer/dp/B07PGF3VV7/ref=pd_sbs_469_3/131-6559522-6831907?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07PGF3VV7&pd_rd_r=e67c2586-28c0-4c93-a11e-d8c0112d989a&pd_rd_w=CnR8l&pd_rd_wg=MLrxE&pf_rd_p=bdd201df-734f-454e-883c-73b0d8ccd4c3&pf_rd_r=WR4ZTC37HW9TP2P8MFQ5&psc=1&refRID=WR4ZTC37HW9TP2P8MFQ5
  3. I might have a few ideas on the telescoping part, send me a message on messenger, facebook or email
  4. How much stroke does the retractable section of the staff have? Best guess
  5. Mine is right at 14" wide, what diameter did you make it? Mine is roughly 6 inches in diameter
  6. Really nice job on the battery, but I thought it was larger than that, you have a reference to place next to it?
  7. Has anyone noticed that the staff is retractable?
  8. Sorry, for some reason I cant upload the video and pictures.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/william.ellender.1/videos/520688685198291/
  10. Yes, that was my thought exactly. I didn't put one in there yet because I was not sure what size it would be. I can add the recess for almost any size magnet.
  11. Based on the new photos of the scout, I have made alterations to the end of the power pack that holds the staff. https://photos.app.goo.gl/MctWA2DH5XvLCiLB9
  12. I resized the original To 150 mm and made it a little taller plus made the other end. Printing the prototypes now. Any input is appreciated!
  13. Here it is, 110 mm wide. Still seems a little small to me.
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