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Aradun last won the day on November 29

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About Aradun

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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    Philadelphia, PA, USA

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  1. Coming along nicely indeed! Finish line is in sight! Keep up the great work! Just a quick note on the DLT19X. There should not be a bipod on the sniper 19X version. The bipod is only used on the standard DLT19. Just bringing this to your attention in case you’re planning to submit it for approval with your GML.
  2. Here’s our first patch for Garrison Carida’s 27th Elite Recon! Features: Scouts (from left to right) @Worst TB42987, @haringjr TB11375, and yours truly. Pennsylvania Keystone and State colors of blue and yellow. Our Garrison cog: blue/red Created from this photo: (photo credit: Ron Hoffman TK15310) Shout out to Sold Out Swag (https://soldoutswag.myshopify.com) for production!
  3. Awesome job on the boots. They look and fit great! Well done!
  4. Here’s to a fabulous job, well done, Jenn! Thanks for setting the standard. Congrats Sarah! I’m sure your passion for the PFD and Recon Fatale will translate into some awesome PR for both.
  5. I agree with Dart. Those boots shouldn’t pose any issue.
  6. First impression? The orange on the right. I looked at mine and they’re closer in color to the orange than the red. If you’re in doubt run it by your GML.
  7. Sweet! Great to see the ranks of the JFO scout grow! I’m sure this will be a fantastic build after seeing your detailed work on your ROTJ Scout. As always, hit us up if you have any questions along the way.
  8. Unfortunately, there are a lot of good STL files and vendors who print parts, but no one that I’m aware of who is currently offering a finished model. As mentioned above, stay away from Imperial Arms on Etsy.
  9. Check out Praetorian Blasters on FB. Over the summer they were consulting with PFD when developing molds for a EC17 holdout and DLT19X. Not sure the status of the 19X but wouldn’t hurt to check them out. https://www.facebook.com/BlasterMaker @postmortem01 any update on the DLT19X
  10. A set just popped up on EBay today: https://www.ebay.com/itm/296796045707?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m164380.l178264&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=2ed46e96eb9942478a1ae9868e7e64df&bu=43415781740&ut=RU&osub=-1~1&crd=20241105062210&segname=11021&recoId=296796045707&recoPos=1
  11. There doesn’t seem to be much of a selection at Amazon.ca, and it’s becoming increasingly harder to find traditional works boots with the wheat colored sole even here in the US. If you’re look at $90 for a pair a boots, for a little more, an alternative would be to snag a pair of Crowprops base boots for around $100 + shipping and use them to construct your own.
  12. I think they’d work for level 1, but the sole is much thicker than the typical work boot and those huge cutouts designed to clear mud from the sole might make it difficult to get the look right for the cutouts required for level 2. I’ll defer to @Chopper for any final say.
  13. Here what you want, but try to find your piece otherwise you have to by a whole new skin. I don’t think Tandy sells anything smaller. https://tandyleather.com/products/soft-suede-pigskin-split?_pos=1&_sid=bea47dafd&_ss=r
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