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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by xEntex4

  1. ok, justr didnt want you to build the entire armor and then relize that you cant be approved 😅
  2. Hey, it looks like you made the "eyebags" beige as well from what I know they are supposed to be black. Also I believe there are supposed to be to black recesses on the back lower "lip", I dont know about how important they are to be approved but you might want to try and add them.
  3. Looking really good! Good Luck on the rest!
  4. Why did you start with 220 grid instead of something like 120 grid, which takes off more material in the earlier sanding stages?
  5. Hey, that's looking awesome already! What kind of glue and filament did you use? Just looking for information for my ST build. Good Luck!
  6. Hey, I wanted to know what glue you used? CA? Epoxy? Sludge? Hot glue? I am curious because I am working on my ST right now (also 3D-Printed) and on some spots CA just doesn't stick, is it possible it is because of the Filament, PETG? What Filament are you using? A lot of questions as you can see, I am quite new to the whole Armor-Making Game. Thanks for any answer in advance!
  7. Ok thanks for the Infos!
  8. Hey, I just wanted to know what your approximate print time for the entire thing was, also what did it cost you? (unintended infinity war reference) xD
  9. Great that armor looks store bought xD I might start on my helmet this weekend!
  10. Are you still going or have you stopped? I really want to see this thing finished!
  11. Hey, I'm really curious to see your progress as I want to print an armor as well! Hope to see some test prints soon. Also do you have a link for the material you'd be using?
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