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  • Name
    James Caplette
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Carolina Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Roughly 6-8 months I've owned the TB armor.
  2. Yes, that's correct. The weathering doesn't really protect it.
  3. The PVC doesn't stand out compared to other clean TKs. It blends really well. The cool thing about being a TK is you can change it up and go for the Heavy Weapons Trooper CRL. You lose the white ammo boxes, and get a ton of new accessories. Even have the option to do some light weathering. Regarding the TB weathering, there are a couple routes you can go. You can do the light misting with a flat black spray can (something they actually did on ROTJ). Or you can pick up some black eye makeup and a chip brush, apply it and seal it with clear hair spray. Neither should really accelerate the yellowing process as the yellowing is mainly due to UV exposure. The makeup is fairly removable compared to the spray can. (I'm on the left as a Heavy Weapons Trooper) (On the left again as for a Christmas event) (I'm on the left, the weathering is makeup and hairspray)
  4. I own a full commission RS TK (PVC) and a full RS TB (ABS) with the Red Label helmet. My own two cents. The TK PVC is the way to go, and I had the same concerns over yellowing. The important point is to always keep your costume out of UV exposure and climate controlled. You need to be careful with PVC, in it as it's not as felxible . I've had my suit for 3 years and no cracks. It looks great, nice and shiny and won't yellow. Super durable if you treat it right. This is my go-to and my wife's preference, but you will need a handler to get suited up. The TB is very "off-white" in color. It's ABS, but the plastic is not painted and very much a semi-gloss and so off-white it's almost heading towards egg-shell in color tone. I got it clean and instantly regretted it, as it's so off white that it really doesn't look right compared to shiny true white TKs or TBs. Depending on how "true white" the soft-goods are, you may almost look two tone. Thus, weathering to make it blend is pretty much a must in my book. Outside of some basic help to get my flack vest on, I don't really need significant help from a handler to get in and out of costume. The red label TB helmet is perfectly serviceable and in my opinion prefered as the construction will be far more durable than the "true to screen" construction. And yes, it was me who had the helmet and it came in a true white and my armor was egg-shell. They paid for shipping and they sent me a new helmet right away that was color matched. When you order, add a note that mentions you would like the helmet match the armor, you can then follow up with an email to RS and they will confirm they received the note on the order. I've never had an issue with these guys in terms of service or communication. I like the RS kit enough that I purchased a second set of the hard parts for my wife. I went with another vendor for a full commission of the soft goods to get a custom fit. Please feel free to ask any additional questions. I'm also happy to send pictures if you'd like. you can see some pics on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/james_that_501st_guy/
  5. So awesome, would you be willing to detail your weathering process?
  6. Heres what I was able to find if you want to put together a baby yoda punching bag. P37 Large Pack https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F254466949115 Military Double Prong Canvas Belt, Heavy Duty Army Pistol Grommet Two Hole 1.75" (Khaki - Size X-Large) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F1915MX/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ErRcEbBNV3M5G Greeblies https://www.etsy.com/listing/766283903/scout-trooper-bag-rank-bar You can use this for Yoda Sounds in the bag NiZHi TT-028 MP3 Mini Digital... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CBD65WG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  7. Congrats man! I've been watching your videos. Your videos convinced my wife to give a scout a try. Cheers sir!
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