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Kal Akaan

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Kal Akaan

  1. Pathfinders really do lead the way! Super proud to be a member of this detachment! Thanks for going above and beyond Mickey!
  2. Ahh ok. I will have to try it out and see then.
  3. Do you prefer the aerosol filler over XTC? I imagine the application would be easier.
  4. I made it!
  5. Armor pic from SC. Came with straps attached. Lucky me!
  6. Lawless, Thanks! I definitely intend to ask more questions! Cheesewhoopy is finishing up my boots. I intend to make my own pair at a later date Here is the flightsuit, bund and pouches
  7. So I received the armor from SC and it arrived put together which was a pleasant surprise. I attached the chinstrap and put pads in the helmet. I'll add a speaker system later I also have all of my soft goods except for the boots which I've been waiting on for almost 6 months. Was hoping to get everything together before DragonCon but that didn't happen. As soon as I get some time, I'll get some more pics up. I definitely need to see how the cummerbund and pouches work This all I have for now hahaha! Was awesome hanging with my Mercs and Georgia Garrison 501st at Dragon Con this past Labor day!
  8. Got my helmet from Altman! Thanks Spike! Gotta put the chin strap in and pads inside. Next up is armor from SC!
  9. Awesome! Thanks.
  10. Thanks! Wasn't even thinking about that. Glad you said something. Is it just the metal piece or the whole loop?
  11. I'm beginning the process of building my Biker Scout. It starts with mr getting my Wampa Wear Gloves! Looking at getting the blaster and helmet next. More to come!
  12. Not looking for help yet thanks. Just gathering intel(Like a good scout haha). I'm officially a cadet on the GA Garrison page. I know a few folks from Mando Mercs that are also TK's. Thank you for the info
  13. Is there an A.R.T. for Georgia or is it just the Georgia garrison still?
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