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501st Pathfinder
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Everon last won the day on December 30 2018

Everon had the most liked content!


26 Excellent

About Everon

  • Birthday 07/04/1989

Profile Information

  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
  • Supporter Badge
  • Gender
  • Location
    Czech Republic

501st Information

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180 profile views
  1. One of us, one of us.. I mean, congrats Lancer 😛
  2. Happy New Year, Pathfinders!
  3. Congratulations! Great work @Hask
  4. Congratulations!
  5. Thanks a lot, everyone!
  6. Hello again, picture of tank rivet as requested: picture of vest velcro - opened velcro, detailed picture: I have also shortened butt flap, cut suede patches and sew new cummerbund - little bit shorter and better fitting. Pictures of front, sides and back:
  7. Hello, Thanks for your review, I totaly forgot to upload blaster pics. Also I have found picture of flak vest velcro closure from my basic level application. Rest of changes/pictures will follow once I get home. Anyway, blaster: Flak vest: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Hello there, I humbly ask for your consideration of my Lancer deployment request. I apologize in advance for my whole body pictures being taken indoors, but I am living alone and unfortunately don't have anyone to help me with taking these pictures. Tomas Havlik TB-89007 Czech Garrison armor: Strider/CfO helmet: RS Prop Masters (with Kwdesigns accurate 3M bolt kit) flightsuit: myself, modified Redcap gloves: Wampa Wear boots: Myself (Cheesewhoopy tutorial) all softparts: Myself blaster: DVH Armory /7CS - Darth Voorhees Pictures:
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