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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by BLACKFOX

  1. I was looking into their files as well. What type of modifications would be required? Can they be done after printing then parts? Tks
  2. Thank you for your feed back. I'll stay clear from it.
  3. Has anyone used these 3D printed files to make their Patrol Trooper? Since I have my our 3D Printer I thought I would print my own armour. http://do3d.com/product/3d-printable-model-patrol-trooper-helmet-armor-and-boots-from-solo-a-star-wars-story-movie-print-file-format-stl/ Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  4. The good thing is that I already have the boots and blaster, which will help bring the cost down.
  5. The more I lurk around on the forum, the more I want to build a Patrol Trooper. It's on my "to build list" already, but I'm not planning on starting until the fall.
  6. Man, your Patrol Trooper looks great!! What's it made from? ABS, 3D Printed, Fibreglass?
  7. Impressive. I'll have to look into Alain Rivard's design.
  8. WOW! Looks amazing. Now I really want to build my Patrol Trooper.
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