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501st Pathfinder
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Stryker_412 last won the day on October 4 2024

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About Stryker_412

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  • Location
    Melbourne Florida
  • Interests
    Art, gaming, plinking Ewoks, cosplaying and TWI'LEKS, and Star Wars all together!

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  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Looking very good! 👍 We’ll need to run a straight edge on top and bottom of the belts, WTF’s edges aren’t the straightest out of the box. lol
  2. Usually that’s the case but unfortunately in the Florida sun & humidity- it’ll peel off even with a good alcohol wipe. It’ll hold for a while without extra adhesive but a little extra for good measure is a good idea to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions while trooping, especially during lengthy troops.👍
  3. I have a bench top belt sander to sand the bottom flat and see if that helps.
  4. This is what you get from Studio creation
  5. Same as what Chopper said! They need a lot of sanding. Also, my opinion only - WTF isn’t the best quality parts. At least you received them- I was shorted on the tank topper and he still never sent it. I simply ordered all new greeblies from Studio Creations and they’re clean and ready to go. Will save you a lot of time too.
  6. Sounds great, Thank you! 👍 I was just going off the CRL pic however correct- the description doesn’t specify.
  7. I noticed the KriptonTop bund has the pouches approximately 1” from the rib bars like a ROTJ style. I was under the impression that the pouches have to be up against the edge of outter rib bars. You may want to message him about sewing the Velcro closer to the rib lines. Unless I’m mistaken on the issue but that’s how I sewn mine going off reference pics anyways, if someone can chime in to clarify it would be appreciated.
  8. Thank you sir for the helpful information. greatly appreciated 🙂👍
  9. That’s what I figured and planning on. Thanks again 👍
  10. Thanks Corey, I appreciate the clarification on this, looks like I just need to make a slightly larger bund to sit lower and still close. I assume that even though they weren’t meant to be worn that way in the show- since they were worn that way and that’s what we have to do like in the CRL? Correct? Thanks again 👍, time to get sewing again.
  11. Hey everyone, After pretty much refusing to do it, I decided to build a Mandalorian scout. I just started today and already off to a bad start with the cumberbund, I made one similar to my ROTJ bund and was just thinking of wearing it lower. 1) Well the same size doesn’t work if I have to wear it half way around the posterior it won’t close obviously. So I’ll have to make another a bit longer. 2) Also does anyone know the height the bund should be? The ROTJ bund is 8”-9” high but that seems too short to me, in the CRL it looks more like 10”-12” in height. 3) Looking at the CRL as well as the thread on the display at SDCC, it looks like a one piece cod and bund. Is it really a 1 piece? I already made the new cod as well so may have to redo both. I’ll add some pics of what I made, I’m using my ROTJ belt just for reference as well as some cotton pouches while I wait for the duck cloth. Any input on the sizing would be greatly appreciated!
  12. I really loved the concept of the setup but sound was too distorted and way too quiet for anyone to hear or understand what I was saying. I tried several options to make it work butI ended up removing the ukswrath setup and going back the old reliable headset and speaker in my pouch. Nice and loud, clear and no feedback.
  13. I use the hard hat rig in my RS bucket and there is plenty of room for speaker amp and mic. May have room for fans too although I don’t use them. Here’s a pic of the inside of 1 of my buckets. I suppose it depends on make your bucket is, some are on the smaller side and may not have enough room.
  14. Hey Delta, Very happy with my new cod piece along with the new cummerbund and pouches to match! Much improvement over my old set, here is a pic of me with the new soft parts. Thank you very much
  15. Well done Delta! You did a great job modifying the kit to fit you and excellent job with making the soft parts too.đź‘Ť
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