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RS Prop Masters

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Everything posted by RS Prop Masters

  1. OK, the huge sticking point here is basically the boots, they are what they are. The pouches and cummerbund I do see being an issue for a taller Scout if the pouches are set at a certain size, the armour is a set size so the belt is left as the only variable? The tank stripes are not an issue, we will just make up the correct sizes (length and height) for each option. Blaster is our sculpt and found part scope detail to scale. The holster also helps us to scale. The current CRL, or at least the one I see on the site states optional, see image below. But it's not hard to correct. You just seem to be pushing the point. All the elastics will meet the highest option on the CRL, it's no more difficult to add the correct as it is to do them wrong. It's just research we need to check correctly. The helmet gap is demonstrated on the image you posted, (reposted below) the right hand side (as you look at it) does not fit as well as the opposite side. That I believe is a studio quirk. ~ the cod piece arch/curved detail looks abit to rounded -- this looks like the gino scout detail. I will look at this again, it is straight until the centre then curves at the centre. ~ right, its not an arch with a huge radius ... its a very slight curve. We totally agree on this, as too the placement. Thanks for the feedback. Aside from the boots I don't see any issues moving forward that will prevent the Scout being Lancer out of the box. This leaves the current boot makers to continue supplying as they do and the IB boots to be placeholders for people working to Lancer. I personally prefer these quality made boots to be my preferred choice until I obtain found part boots. ~ good luck finding the correct inter sneaker .. every other scout i know is searching for them ... have you all thought about having someone recreate the sole? why cant IB make the sole or at least one that looks better and can be made into a lancer sole? I can lay my hands on the sneakers tomorrow to create a mould of them. IB would have to invest a huge amount of cash to get the sole made. We are talking 1000's of soles. The price of the boots would be totally impractical. The boots are just a no go. Its something that will have to continue to be made as it is by the fans who want to cut the sole etc. Lets forget the boots as part of this. On a personal note, it was great to give the Scout a run out this weekend and I can't wait to get my suit through the UKG clearance and join the ranks of the Pathfinders. ~ we look forward to seeing you asking for full access over here Thanks. I am really looking forward to getting the rest of these Scouts finished up so shipping to start asap.. ~ yeah, make it happen ... i was going to bug andrea soon over there on facebook, december has long passed, lol. cant wait to get another bbb from you all again, thanks for working with all of us! You are more than welcome. Rob.
  2. We had a great time in Brussels. It was so good to meet Mathijs and chat about the Scout. Let's address the points raised. needs fixed for basic approval:~ raglan sleeves / quilting on the sleeve is needed - agreed. ~ 2" velcro closure for flak vest needed / agreed.~ 2" velcro closure for the cummerbund / agreed.~ TD greeblies are backwards - agreed~ there are a few more details listed in the "things to note" section below / im not putting them here as we cant see those details in the pics So the above are required to have the Scout pass basic clearance? Lancer is a different prospect but I'll look over the parts. We are planning to have our armour meet all the requirements. We know the boots will not meet lancer status so currently a Lancer out of the box is not possible. Thats not a bad thing, Lancer should be something to aspire to. needs fixed for lancer:~ boots / youll need new boots as IB boots have a 2 toned sole or figure a way to paint them? / and, we dont know the size of the velcro closure either~ elastic for back tank looks to be 1" / not the 1/2" that is required easily fixed just a build issue. ~ fix the cummerbund / this bund is to tall, agreed. These are all to be made to measure. ~ back tank stripes for lancer only allows 1, 4 or 6 / in the pic they have 2 so, you will have to add more stripes agreed, not a problem. ~ TD will need to be repainted light or medium grey / their color looks to dark, thanks for the tip. ~ vents on holster cut out / its hard to tell in the pic if they are. They re cut out, roughly with a hacksaw and unevenly as per screen shots.~ blaster doesnt look to have the proper lense discs on the back of the scope / it looks like its flat in that area, correct. A new mould of our original Single point is underway. things to note // further inspection needed:~ do the shoulder bells have the elastic strapping? Yes, single routing point.~ is the boot velcro closure 1" ? / this detail is needed for basic yes it is, are the boots not already clearable? they have been around a long time. ~ it looks like the resized the pouches / will this be the new look for IB pouches? Yes, they are the size stated in the CRL.~ the strapping on the legs have a weird pull to them / you can see what looks like the strapping going through the suede patch. It does not, but the strap is too tight currently.~ thigh strapping looks tight / how are they going to size this detail to every customer, by taking measurements?~ is the suede patch fixed and going around to the back of the thigh? Yes. ~ is the cummerbund rib stitching(quilting) 1" ? Yes. ~ elastic sizes on the armor / for lancer they will all need to be proper sizes. we already see the tank elastic is too big. The hump elastic at 12mm is optional even for Lancer according to the CRL, all other elastics match the requirements.~ helmet still has the gap on the side where faceplate(visor) meets the helmet, This is a screen derived helmet.~ the cod piece arch/curved detail looks abit to rounded -- this looks like the gino scout detail. I will look at this again, it is straight until the centre then curves at the centre. ~ are they using a balaclava / is one even sent with the kit? Yes a balaclava is included. ~ not sure how the strapping system will work out for the cod piece / most of use some velcro to keep this piece in place. We are treating this as a piece of armour with an underbelly as seen on Fett/Snowy. ~ with the tank strap being too wide, if they have secured the strap through the solid rivet then youll have to drill that out to replace the strap. and that is something most people will not want to take on. Again not an issue, forward thinking I did not on my own armour and we would not expect anyone to do this.pros:~ the side strapping closing back on it self is nice to see / although in the pic it look like its not connected but, you can see the stitching for the velcro. This is the closing method to allow it to be worn, as per screen shots. ~ they are using the zip tie shoulder bell method mentioned here - and in all suits as per screen shots. ~ shoulder bridge covers are nice - its just elastic as per screen shots.~ gloves look good / are they the new IB gloves? Not in these images, but the new IB gloves are a near perfect replica of the found part gloves I am wearing.~ the red stripe detail on the top of tank is nice, thank you. ~ the pouches look a lot better / hope this is their new standard. It is. Thanks for the feedback. Aside from the boots I don't see any issues moving forward that will prevent the Scout being Lancer out of the box. This leaves the current boot makers to continue supplying as they do and the IB boots to be placeholders for people working to Lancer. I personally prefer these quality made boots to be my preferred choice until I obtain found part boots. On a personal note, it was great to give the Scout a run out this weekend and I can't wait to get my suit through the UKG clearance and join the ranks of the Pathfinders. I am really looking forward to getting the rest of these Scouts finished up so shipping to start asap.. Rob.
  3. This is a very interesting thread. I am still researching the strap method and find the single point of contact to the kid/lower shoulder bell interesting, where does this concept come from, I've seen it a few places where is it seen on the screen/studio suit? Thanks, Rob.
  4. Hi guys.... So these are all still prototypes and I am sure all issues have been address. I've got a set of the parts we approved, I'll get some images up soon. More than the flap has been added. We will also be updating our Scout situation with next weeks youtube vlog (link below). Chat soon, Rob. RS TV Youtube
  5. Thats really interesting and plays into the idea that if the Cumberland is not attached to the vest that the pouches could flap over the Cumberland itself. Maybe there is an inner "belt" made of white webbing that holds it up.
  6. Hey Mickey, re the over size pouches......I have to confess when the new Cumberland was sewn we did not have pouches to match so I grabbed some Fett ones, hence them being wrong here. But it's only something you guys would really take issue with at this point. Other than the size I liked the colour and contrast with the Cumberland.
  7. Hi Mickey, yes I remember meeting you. Good to meet again in the cyber world It's great to scrutinise the costume as much as we can. Iv'e not had a lot of info from Gino on this, he not one for sharing much, especially when we are kinda stepping on his toes with this.
  8. I hear that Dart. The down side to that is it leaves it open to speculation and being lead by previous mistakes. I am really interested in how the originals were put together over what can work for costuming, as one can help the other maybe. I am studying all the images I can get of the suit. Loving this image right now. Seems to show something going on thats interesting. I can see the webbing, which I am sure is that webbing with a small percentage of elastic seemingly attached to the back armour then feeding through the slots that are cut passing through the front armour, returning and then having a hook and loop closure. Based on the Snowtrooper strapping maybe the strap has a single rivet hidden by the hump to hold it in place. I can also see some other kind of white strap in there which I can only assume is something to do with the Cumberland?
  9. It's really interesting to read the different methods. From my time other forums I know there are behind the scenes images of many of the costumes, do any images exist of the Scout?
  10. OK, the two part thing makes sense. Is there any evidence to disprove that the Cumberland is not sew or part of the vest. I mean, the vest is black and white? I am having difficulty in understanding what holds the Cumberland area up.
  11. Thanks Andry and you Pete. 1. You need the upper strap on the kneepad (usually about 1/2" wide) - yes, we did know and chat about this, it's something I was aware off. I did think it was narrow than half an inch though. 2. The 1.5" webbing on the bottom of the chest/back connection and the hip boxes is the same. It's not elastic, but a woven cotton canvas webbing. - This is the webbing I think could be a thick or heavy duty elastic webbing. It has a small amount of give, but not much, the elastic in the description is misleading. We have used a heavy duty cotton for the belt straps, I think its too heavy. 3. Pouches should be 6" high x 5" wide x 2" deep. The flap at the top of the pouch should be 2" x 5" are these sizes screen accurate, or established norms? What I mean is do we have images of the pouches off the costume? I am considering the flap returning into the inside of the Cumberland/belt. In a similar way they do on the ROTJ Boba Fett. Also, is there any evidence to support the cummerbund being two parts. Looking at the Star Wars Costumes book it looks like to could be a separate part? 4. If you folks are making it all, be sure to add some stirrups at the bottom of the pant legs to keep those neatly tucked in. - noted. The suit looks a little more tailored than these images, the suit is a size bigger than our model. 5. The cod looks a bit too snug at the bottom. Ideally, it does not wrap under the crotch, but stops at the bottom. You can either loosen the strap or pull up the cod. - I am also looking at this when reviewing the images. I'll see what we come up with. 6. The thigh straps could be a bit more snug on the leg. They shouldn't drape when worn. Ideally, they should be just a bit snug and stretch horizontally across the side of the thigh. - noted. 7. You may also want to extend the riding patch farther out across the thigh, but it's hard to tell from the angle you've got it. - again noted, looking at that. Here is that image of the cummerbund.
  12. Hi guys. OK, we have a theory here that research gets you so far, but then the experts know best. When we start creating a costume we usually search out the opinions of the guys that matter. So, here is our second prototype. We are still working on the strapping, this is much better than the nylon stuff we had as a placeholder previously, but to us it looks like the strapping should be a woven elastic, what is the general consensus on this? We are working up the soft parts to work exactly as they should with this screen accurate armour. I am thinking the vest neckline should be higher so thats noted already. Also, the greeblies are not the finished items they are all just placeholders. The pouches we think are also an issue, we would like them a little more square. Please take a look and see what you think.
  13. Thanks Constantin, I'll check that thread out. We are aiming for Lancer right out of the box, I know its a high standard but you have to aim for it right?
  14. Currently we are looking at running with the current IB Scout Boot. Do you have issues with it?
  15. Hi Guys. I am here to research but had to stop by the thread. Any advise on soft parts is very welcome. It is only the armour which is full screen accurate/made from studio produced armour but I would like to aim high for the soft parts too.
  16. Hi Mickey. Brushing up on the CRL
  17. Loving that Dan. I assume you know we supplied the helmet for the movie right? So you are pretty spot on here. Rob.
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