Jason is the main reason I went with scout, when I first introduced myself and talked about scooters (Vespa and lambretta), we were instant friends as he was in the scene as well. He spoke so highly about the pathfinders and scout trooper and I also told him that it was my favorite, we would talk daily and did lunch and talked music, scooters, trooping and how much he loved to troop and help others, and I was so excited to start trooping with him. I just finished my kit on the 20th and he was going to come up after the holidays to make sure I was dialed in before my submission pictures. I am so saddened by this news as he was and will always be an inspiration on what putting others before yourself really means. I was previously a flight/combat medic and felt this was such a great way to continue to ball others and bring cheer to many, and that is what he told me this was all about. I was sold. I am so lucky I was able to spend time with him and talk as much as we did. I will honor him the same way we did in combat by carrying his collector card in my helmet at trooping events so I will finally get to troop with him.
God Speed Jason
Buckets off!