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Boy Scout of Endor

501st Legion Member
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Boy Scout of Endor last won the day on December 19 2020

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About Boy Scout of Endor

  • Birthday December 3

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  • Interests
    SCI FI / Fantasy / Medieval / Insect artist. Star Wars LEGO. reading / PS3/4 / Retro games Nintendo 64: Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
    Supernova / Comic Con. Ancient/Medieval history - Dinosaurs, Bugs, Bats. Classic Dr Who and "a great many more things"

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  • 501st Garrison
    Knightfall Garrison Australia
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  1. I’m in the same position as before with No new progress unfortunately. i can’t upload any photos because the files are too Big - I’m on Facebook messenger as another option
  2. Hey all although my Scout is still incomplete, I’m 90% done there are several things that need serious attention. My 5th year anniversary is coming up in late July and I’m getting worried it won’t be finished or approved on time. in a pickle at the moment
  3. Hello there Pathfinders had my scout kit since March 2020, have got everything available including soft parts etc. But I can’t get it finished off this costume in particular is driving me mad sometimes really want to see it become real and ticked ✅ off the list. I’m the only approved Trooper based in my town with a big population, trying to get more interest happening in my town to with the Garrison I’m in, want to Troop in my area but makes things difficult when your solo. Without a team of specialists near by to assist my on going proplem with my Scout, really need help to get this solution solved once and for all. •Belt does not connect up •Several armour pieces don’t fit on properly •Cummerbund/codpiece are not done up• Boots don’t fit me anymore and don’t want fork hundreds more on another set •pouches are loose haven’t got them at desired height to attach on
  4. thank you - have couple of action figures including a Black Series Scout and I've made my own Scout Trooper badges thats about it. I was convinced to become a Scout and glad I did, never did Boy Scouts so this'll be the ideal thing to do and do it in Imperial Style! - only wished could have resolved my Scout problem sooner than later.
  5. thats good to know your building a Scout too, they seem to be the most popular to become. how far have you got with your kit? UPS delivery to Australia is slow & ridiculous these days. just hoping it doesn't take too long "time will tell always does"
  6. hello there Pathfinders after so many setbacks & delays with my Boy Scout costume - made an executive decision today and proceeded to order the soft parts from IMPERIAL BOOTS. - been reading the CRL Bible + the size guidelines etc - my original plan to get the costume finished off is now gone, ordered my kit from Studio Creations - August 2019. with pre-assembled helmet in a special helmet carry bag. my kit is 90% done + I've got the boots and the EC-17 blaster. I'm Not leaving it any longer. got the perfect environment for when my character is done. 2022 will be the year of the PATHFINDER.
  7. Thank you - lots of exciting info to take in and read about. I'll look into it - don't have any experience what so ever in costume making, wouldn't know where to start but it helps when you have a good work bench, materials standing by - facilities etc.
  8. Its such an amazing costume it will be me one day, it won't happen overnight but it will happen that I promise. 6 years to complete - sometimes its best to not rush things and take your time to enjoy the building process more.
  9. understood then thank you - I'll bear that in mind for when to upload photos. I'm focusing on 2 - 501st costumes this year think thats a good number to stick with. I am 90% done as mentioned its just the soft parts now. I know couple of costume makers in my garrison who can assist me with ideas and advice when the time comes. It is great to get assistance from all giving me ideas & new tip points. Theres something quite unique and special about the Scout thats why I decided to choose this path - the path of a Pathfinder. have a special helmet carry bag to protect my helmet with the EC-17 wrapped up in the balaclava inside the helmet as well. Thank you
  10. Thank you it's a great honour to belong to Pathfinders. - I've been there done that before with stressing out on my artwork folio assignments in the past. I was convinced to become a Biker Scout by a friend of mine and glad I did - also because I never did Boy Scouts this'll be my ultimate chance to become an Imperial Scout. Being stressed is not a good idea it's much better to take your time and enjoy it as you said. I've never used Tapatalk before, know lots of others who use it.
  11. hello Pathfinders here is my current TB progress what I have - this is a character I'm determined to become this year, just the soft parts needed now - need to resize the image (before upload) kit ordered from Studio Creations. 14th August 2019 - arrived 2nd March 2020. - kit arrived with assembled helmet- all I need now is the soft parts It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.
  12. I'm hoping to attend in an online virtual armour party one day when the time zone suits best.
  13. 4am in Victoria might be pushing it usually still out to the count that time - we’ll see.
  14. Looking good there Trooper
  15. Received my Scout Boots last week from Imperial Boots and love them. 90% complete
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