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About Diegoruba

  • Birthday 06/01/1981

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Plant City, Florida

501st Information

  • Name
    Diego Rubalcava
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Tampa Bay

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  1. Hello Everyone, well is been years since I was trying to finish my costume and on this days I just realized that I can do it myself (all about the soft parts), watching some videos and checking other posts from here. I’m not a really good doing my stuff but not bad at all 😅 I get the armor from MonCal and the Helmet from Kropserkel and the soft parts I’ll make myself.
  2. I’ll been working on my flight suit already and sewing my soft parts. But I would love some feedback.
  3. That was the same that I ordered before with my 3Dfile helmet, pretty nice, but how about the greeblies and the pieces that hold the visor with the dome ?? (I forgot the name)
  4. Hi Chopper, yeah I remember that I saw that video years ago !!! Well, now I have a question for you and the gang !!! The guy that sold me the helmet it was without the greeblies and stickers !!! Is there any place that I get those for that helmet ???
  5. Any guys here at the group that can help me to assembly the Kropserkel biker helmet please !!!
  6. Now I finish the collar, using the butt pocket folding half and put it Velcro on it
  7. Once I get it I start to remove the butt pocket
  8. Hello everyone I would like to show you how I start to modify my flight suit that I get on Amazon. I got the kolossus flight suit
  9. Ok guys so my question is how modify the kolossus flight suit ??
  10. I use this one
  11. This is the result after I use the sandpaper 400 in water
  12. Ok guys I need HELP with the helmet, is fiber glass and I try to paint but first the primer so I use the primer but to be honest I never paint before so I gonna need a little tutorial if some of you have it, I already use primer but I don’t like the way it looks (picture 1) after that I sand it on wet with 400 sandpaper and I think looks really bad 😞 !!! HEEEELLPPP
  13. Ok buddy I finish then so what are you think ??
  14. Is really necessary the rivet to hold the holster ?? Can I use screw with washer??
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