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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Ryi'nock

  1. Hahaha yup it was needed Thanks all once again, i cant wait to start trooping. Ryi.
  2. Hi guys. Just wanted to say i final thank you to all who helped me in this build. I cleared with the Nordic Garrison and 501st the other day. TB-25525 reporting in Ryi.
  3. Aye cheers. Thought id post this up on here as well as on the UGK. As you said 007 had been told to tone down the weathering. After a lot of different chemicals to try and remove the paint without sanding it off all together i think i managed to tone it down a bit. The Boots where a nightmare as the last thing i wanted to do was bleech the leather. So here's what ive got: I had to remove the blaster shot on the shoulder as i couldnt tone it down without it looking terrible. My wadding finally arrived so i cut the cod open and reinforced it. Here is a before and after shots of how i could scrunch the cod up in my hand as the wadding it came with was so thin. I did unfortunetly have some kitting up issue that time around. My cumba is not sitting high enough and isnt square on with my body. Also i think i stuck the eleastic going under my legs too high up on the cumba at the back giving that annoying scrunch back. Cheers all with your help throught this build. Ryi
  4. Cheers Retro! I had a look into using some stiffener but i think its all come down to the length of the elastic. As on my latest picturs you can just see the elastic now at the very end. Ill place an order in and get it remade. Hopefully that will resolve the issue. I had pulled it down a fair emount but it seemed to be still tight through the legs and causing it to bunch up. Ill at some strengthen to the bottem as well. Ryi.
  5. hoping these will be better. Extended the legth of the elastic and moved the cod up.. still looks like it cruches a bit unfortunetly. Thanks Ryi.
  6. Cheers Chopper. Ive finished Polishing the kit, I shall never go shiny 😆 Okay so hopefully these are all okay. The boot has sagged a little under the weight of the pistol so im going to fit a slap of 3mm Sintra in there which will match the curve to keep it all upright. It also appares the the balaclava that i have is far to small for my face so ive ordered a new one. Thanks for all your help guys. Any thoughts at all please do post away. Ryi.
  7. Thanks Chopper. I'll address the issues. Hopefully with the Bund sitting higher it should look alright. I think the elastic connecting the bottom under the legs is too shot pulling the whole thing down and then scrunching the cod up. So im okay with having 3 stripes for basic clearance? I originally read it as it was 1 to 4 stripes so my bad on that part. Also thats a lot easier for referencing where the belt needs to sit now, thanks. Ryi.
  8. Thanks Chop. So got a load of sewing done today. Attached some velcro so the arm plates wont keep droping. it does seem that i will need to put some velcro the cummerbund d and then the vest to keep it up as at the moment it keeps falling down with each step. It was all nice and kept up from when i was preparing my kit in the mirror but fell by the time i got pictures. Please let me know what i can improve. The granade box isnt sit correctly, so ill tighten the clips up a bit. label in the gloves will be removed as it keeps falling out. Also a close-up of the tank. Ill polish it all up and get ready for some preApp pics within the next day or so hopefully. Thanks Ryi.
  9. Cheers Chopper! Quick question. How long should the rank bars and then the centre bar that goes in the middle of the tank strip be? Trying to get the decals straight are more challenging than I though. Gloves turned up today so hopefully I'll have a full kit up soon. Edit: So, here's what ive got so far. I decided to kit up for the first time to see how it all fits together. I still need to fit velcro to the flight suit to keep the knees, biceps and gauntlets in place. The cumbamand ended up dropping a bit so that needs to stay rased up so its just underneath the chest plate. How is the belt looking? Are the side boxes at an okay hight as thats all the matieral i had for them to fit. If not i may have to try and find some more. I will be sewing the chest pouches in tomorrow as well. Just to note. I cant stand stright to save my life, got bad shoulder issues. I need to push the gloves tab in as well, also looks like i could of done a better job at tucking the legs into the boots. Then waiting on how long the ranks need to be before i go to add those up. As always Thanks guys. Ryi.
  10. Cheers chopper. So as i cant go for level 2 with the kit i have, am i still able to have the ticker and center bar? or is that a lancer only Spec, so i have to keep to the thinner bars. Got most of my plates now finished today, all that is left is to sew velcro onto webbing for the under arm and belt. Then small patches onto my suit to keep my plates in place and shorten the cumba Also just echoing my last post, please could i get confirmation on which side the upper arm plates go . Re the leg holster, from what ive seen on the CRL's and other WIP's the plate is moderately flat but the one i have been sent has a very distinct curve to it. Ive tried heating it up to flatten the curve but thats the max i can now go without breaking or distorying it. Will this be okay to rivet to the leg? Thanks as always. Ryi.
  11. Cheers Mickey, that helps a lot. Little WIP update. Rest of my plates been cut and sanded, and started adding the straps to them all. Regarding the upper arms, i cant tell from the crls or anyones picturs which way round they are to go. Is it the side with the two dots pointing inwards on each other? I hope this is alright, is the tube long enough? its all i was given with the kit. I cut and made the clips, then painted them black When sizing up the holster the scope instantly snapped off, it origanlly had just been superglued on, not really impressed. But its being pached. Assembled the holster, still needs sanding slightly and making pretty. (ill be using rubbing alcohol to clean it up) Lastly the Tank. I filled and sanded it down perfectly but then it turns out my primer had gone bust. Resulting in a nasty paint reaction overnight, any who i refilled and sanded it all back down. Regarding the rank stripes and decals. Ive seen there are two sizes for the Stripes, and then on one set there is a thick centre bar in the middle of the line decal. Can i pick and choose from these or is it for a set type of scout kit only? Cheers all. Ryi
  12. Cheers. My phone didn't register that it was a link to another page. RE the cumba sizing. And I've filled all the indents in, just waiting for paint to dry. I've got a couple of questions as my dyslexic brain is in much confusion and the tutorials I've looked through including the one on Chef's website aren't helping me. When it comes to joining the main chest plates under the arm with the 1.5" webbing, how is that then attached to both the armour and its self to secure the plates together and allowing you to get in and out of kit? If you could possibly provide pictures of how its done or your kit that would be very much appreciated as I'm one of those who kinda needs to see it to understand it Then again with the Belt. i see that the webbing/strap needs riveting at the end of the blastic belt but then how do you get in and out of the belt? Is there a tab of velcro that is hidden somewhere or a clip behind the detonater pack? Larger update to follow. thanks. Ryi.
  13. Cheers all for your replies. I have the decals for the Tank, was waiting for it to come together first before putting them on. So all the indents need to be filled in and flush? I take it then it cant be approved otherwise. Then roughly how much would you say my cummerbund will need to be shorted? or is it worth waiting till i have my chest plates on? Thanks. Ryi.
  14. Hey all. Im Ryi'nock from the UK, currently a member of the MMCC but ive always wanted to build a Biker kit. Im due to move over to Norway sometime later this year so hopefully ill have my kit ready to join the Nordic Garrison Ive had a biker scout for some time but never really had the time nor know how to build it. With the UK being in lockdown i've finally got some time to start work on the kit. For the most part the kit came pre cut but im really not happy with how much was cut off already, and the vacform isnt perfect either. But i'll make do. Here's what ive got so far. The Only part im missing from the kit is the gloves, if anyone has any recomendations for where i could get some that would help a lot. I cant currently find anyone in the UK that sells them. Here's how the softs fit. Onto the helmet. Ive cut and sanded my plate now to fit and then depointed them so to not stabbed myself. As well as cut the slits out for the elastic (pictures to follow when they're done) A question i need to ask however, for the back plate, i know in the films there werent sat flush at all, but how is this looking? do they need to sit closer or be trimmed more at all? i wanted to check before i go ahead and rivet them down. A couple of other questions. [li]For attaching the shoulder bells to the main chest plates most places are saying to use a tie-wrap/cable tie. I was wondering if i could use a strip of 20mm black webbing with a pop-snap either end to attach onto the underside of the shoulder and then the chest plates. Would that be approvable?[/li] [li]For attaching the shoulder bells to the main chest plates most places are saying to use a tie-wrap/cable tie. I was wondering if i could use a strip of 20mm black webbing with a pop-snap either end to attach onto the underside of the shoulder and then the chest plates. Would that be approvable?[/li] [li]With the arm plates, how are they to bit fixed? Sew a strip of velcro onto the flight suit and stick the other side to the inside of the plates? [/li] [li]And finally, i have a rebel A300 sniper from R1 that is inrepairs would that be okay to troop with or am i limited to Empire weapons? [/li] Let me know what you thing, any and all info/constructive criticism is welcome. Ryi.
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