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Everything posted by Mishka

  1. Ok thanks for the replies!
  2. So! I got all the cloth parts and soft goods from a seamstress. For the most part they did a great job! The boots need work because while the foot part fits perfectly, the part that comes up my calf is just a touch small. but that's not my big problem. I figured out how to put on the jump suit, the flack jacket, gloves, helmet sock baklava thing, cumberbun and pockets. all that fits perfectly! However ... How do you put on the ... the ... what's it called? the white ... crotch guard ... thing? It's got velcro on the top of the white part, a strap, and a square patch at the end of a long strap that goes between the legs and over the flap on the jump suit. then (I think) it goes under the back of the cumberbun. after that ... I just have no idea where the velcro attaches to. Am I missing a part? Did the seamstress miss a patch of velcro? Am I just looking in the wrong place to attach it? I know it's a silly question. But how does one put this darn thing on? And ... one other question because I didn't think of this until putting the outfit away. What's the best way to store your gear?
  3. Hi! I've been researching my outfit. I think I've figured out the armor, cloth parts, boots, and gloves. I've located reliable sources for everything. Half the kits or parts are already on the way for all that. However, I'm finding the helmet extremely confusing. I started my adventure to build my uniform with an EFX scout trooper helmet. I quickly learned that just wasn't going to work. But it is pretty in my office, so there she lives as a silent reminder of the goal. So I started doing research and I keep reading or getting conflicting advice of which one to get. Everyone seems to love the RS helmet, but I don't know where to find the kit and keep getting told conflicting advice on it being too big or not. I keep getting told the CS helmet is too small, but I'm just shy of 5'5 and the people saying it's too small are 6 feet tall or taller. Something about an Australian helmet that ... can't be found any more? Then there's building them which looks like a terrifying process for what is to me the coolest and most important part of the uniform. Stuff about the lenses and and and then ... ... I'll just be honest. I'm so confused about buckets at this point that I'm just not sure where to even start when it comes to the helmet for research, actually getting one, or building it once I make up my mind. I'm just spinning my wheels and getting nowhere with my research on it. Some of it would be easier if I could see the different kits in person and just figure out which ones fit right and which ones make me look like a pop figure, and which one I'll actually be able to build without completely screwing it up (some of the kits I've seen look a lot more complex than others). ... As pathetic and as much of a beginner question as it is that I'm sure gets asked every day here .... ... I just need assistance figuring out which direction to look. Help please?
  4. Thank you for the replies! So, my EFX biker scout helmet got here today.it displays well. Im a pretty big star wars fan, so I'll keep it for that purpose alone. However as for actually using it ... Yeah. it's definitely not going to fly. All the previous issues people mentioned (flaring jaw, gap at top, doesn't close flush,) are present on mine. So I'll talk about what has been mentioned less. It's possible that these issues could be specific to mine. Wearing it just won't work. It's extremely forward heavy for starters. so it's impossible for me to keep on properly to begin with, and as others said, its actually a bit heavy in general anyway, so long term use would be out of the question. Something else I didn't think about though was the lenses. I assumed they would be tinted like in Return of the Jedi. You know, black and almost resembling a motorcycle cop's judgemental glare from behind unfeeling impenetrable lenses, right? Well, they are tinted. But you can basically see right through them to look into the eyes of the person wearing it. it does display well since the liner inside is black. but if I could get past the fit issues, I think I'd still have to replace the lenses with a darker material. Lastly ... I swear the three gray stripes above the lens is applied slightly askew. So, Guess I'll go look up this RS helmet people keep mentioning!
  5. Oh wow. So, I decided to read a review of this helmet from yall, because I decided to ... you know .... start my quest to build my scout armor after buying said EFX scout trooper helmet. Live and learn, I guess. I'll post further about it when I get it ... but I'm somewhat pessimistic already, and feeling like I made a beginner's mistake. I just figured buying something made from the original molds would be ... I don't know .... more accurate?
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