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501st Pathfinder
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About Hoda

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Northeast Remnant
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Gah! Looks like work will be taking me out of town Endor weekend ... Afraid I won't join y'all there this time. Have so much fun!
  2. Unacceptable! I'm going to drive over kidnap you (and your son) and we can do a cross country road trip
  3. Oh gosh this is too exciting. Time to look into flights ...
  4. Oooh definitely interested in coming out for this
  5. This is amazing!!
  6. Congratulations!!
  7. Thank you! Just gotta be more careful with dressing up in the future
  8. Thank you all! Reporting for duty! Shoutouts to everyone who helped out on the initial build, as well as all the guidance on the Lancer app!
  9. HI @Chopper Thank you again for the response! Re: the dressing issues, thanks for the reminder. I had my wife help me with suiting up this time around and I must've missed that ... my bad. I will also add some stirrups. The dropbox strap is white cotton webbing per the CRL. Here's a close-up look.
  10. Ditto the exp above - I got my flak vest from him and he stayed in communication throughout. Shipping is challenging from Bolivia at the moment though, so keep that in mind.
  11. Thanks so much!! *Fingers crossed*
  12. Alright, updated photos! Updates I have made, based on feedback from the team: Balaclava: Tucked in. Butt Flap: Trimmed down to the recommended line. Thigh Strap: Shortened so it's not loose. Cummerbund: Sit on top of belt, not tucked under. Detonator: Realigned the end caps so it's balanced. Holster: Trimmed down the holster to look similar to the CRL holster. Boots: Drilled out rivets, patched with marine material, painted with white paint.
  13. @Chopper not sure why your post isn't showing up here, but I got a notification in my emails and know what I need to do next. I will trim the flap to the green line before suiting up again tmrw. I will also make sure the belt and the bund doesn't overlap (I know what you mean, finally, now that I'm seeing the photo from the back again). The repairing of the boots - that's exactly what I did tonight as well, hopefully it will show up nicely tmrw. Thank you (and the team) for the feedback! More to come!
  14. Alright, some updates! Holster Drilled out the old rivets, trimmed down the holster, reattached the holster to the boots. I've patched the drilled out holes from behind, but still somewhat obvious ... I need to think of a different way to make the holes less obvious. Weathering? I don't have black spray paint readily available ... I can just ... throw a bunch of fuller's earth on the boots? Belt and Detonator Re-glued the endcaps to even them out. Flight Suit Instead of chopping right away, I asked my very very very nice wife to help me take some quick photos of the flap pinned back. What do y'all think?
  15. Ah and now I know what you mean by cannot see clearly the flap in the back. The poor lighting has them all blurring together! Will use flash when I take the next round.
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