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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by The_blue_guy808

  1. Boy it's been a minute since I've updated this thread. Lol. Between last post and this one I have gotten the havanah Chelsea boots from Orca Bay, several cans of Montana gold sahara beige, and the undersuit romper and neck gasket from Rogue Repro. Still haven't cut the armor yet.
  2. I have been looking through the builds of other squad leader vanguards and I think I got a good handle on what I need to do for my kit. The hand plates don't have the rectangular recess on the front tip and the recessed greblies on the backplate aren't 100% accurate. I'm not sure which version this is but it's from 850 armor works.
  3. Thank you. I probably never would have noticed that till you pointed it out lol.
  4. Aloha Pathfinders, I have finally managed to photograph the parts I currently have for my Shoretrooper Squad Leader. Again I intend to have this ready for Vanguard from the start so any tip you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Raw Parts: These I want to use for my build: Previously assembled parts: These I would not use for Level 2 certification I'll either do a Captain or an AT-ACT driver though I'm leaning towards the latter. Are there any differences aside from the color palette? Here is a link to my album on Imgur with more detailed photos of individual parts: https://imgur.com/a/nerBgF8 Mahalo for your time!
  5. Mahalo! Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  6. Ahhh thank you. Yes I hope to get the highest level certification I can. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  7. Much Mahalo for the warm welcome everyone! I might go for Lancer with my kit. I got enough extras for 2 armor sets so I might do 2 different versions of the Shoretrooper. First one will be the Squad Leader. I'll try for Lancer for that one.
  8. Aloha fellow troopers and Pathfinder Hopefuls! I'm Kalei from the Pacific Outpost. I wanna start off this post with a bit of wisdom. Sometimes life deals you a winning hand but not the one you were expecting. All you can do is make the most of it and play it before the opportunity passes you buy. And that's what I did. Recently I was able to acquire from a good friend of mine and fellow Pac member a Shoretrooper kit from 850 armor works. A friend whom I will be eternally grateful to. The kit is partially assembled but still plenty to do. I've been keen to get a kit for myself for a while now but until now seemed like a far off project. Now the time has come to begin to build and I need the help of the Pathfinder Community. Paint, under suits, boots, gloves, build tips, or any other tips you can offer would be most appreciated. Mahalo
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