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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Hasaki

  1. Figured I should go ahead and start this. It's as much for everyone to see how's it going with my build as it is for me to have a diary of sorts of this project. And for advise if I'm doing something wrong or something that can be done better. My armor I got from PixelArts Props. A local vendor who has offered to help me put it together. They will also be supplying the helmet and weapon. Everything else I'm still sourcing. Except my gloves. I ordered those from Endor Finders. This will be my first major armor build. I've got a TIE pilot that I'm finishing up but that wasn't that difficult. It was just putting the chest box together. ---------- Armor/Helmet/Weapon - PixelArts Props Balaclava - Neck seal - Shirt - Gloves - Endor Finders Kama - Trousers - Boots -
  2. Roger, roger! Thanks for the info.
  3. Has anyone ever dealt with The DarkSide Closet on Facebook (https://www.facebook...DarkSideCloset/)? They've got pretty good reviews and he states that they meet level 1 requirements. It seems they've only been on FB since June of 2017 so they are a relatively new vendor. However, their prices seem pretty good. $235 for lvl1 shirt and trousers made to my dimensions. Turnaround time is about 4 weeks or less. I saw one get his stuff back in a week. Any opinions? Any other vendors with better pricing? Thanks for any and all info.
  4. If I could get that list of approved vendors. I'm assuming that ShoreTrooper vendors are on there also. Thank you.
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