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Jennk182 last won the day on March 6 2020

Jennk182 had the most liked content!


70 Excellent


About Jennk182

  • Birthday February 9


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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • Interests
    Star Wars (Duh!) , Space, Marvel Movies, listening to rock music and audiobooks!

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  1. Thanks everyone, you are defo in good hands with Sarah!!
  2. Looking forward to serving Pathfinders and showcasing all our Fem Pathfinders! Tip Of The Spear!
  3. Such a cool mod!! 🖤
  4. My entire armour is Chef's, he is fantastic!
  5. Thank you everyone! Can't wait to get started!!
  6. Happy New Year Pathfinders! Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
  7. Need help! My bund is making it look like I've got camel toe! Does anyone know how to sort this? Do I just add some bubble wrap to smooth it out? Thanks
  8. Tbh I live in Scotland so the temp is never going to be over 15°C ! 😅😂
  9. Thanks guys! Can't wait!!
  10. Hi Troops, Wondering if anyone can give me some advise. My first ever troop is coming up and I am just trying to make sure I have thought of everything I need. Have you found you needed a fan in your helmet?? I'm now concerned with over heating as I've been to the venue before and it can get really hot!! Any advise would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  11. Thanks you! I posted my pics onto the UK Garrison at the same time as adding here and was advised I could make clearance and I was cleared yesterday will still make these mods tho
  12. Hi How would I correct this? I've heard people using bubble wrap to stop the bunching?
  13. Hi, Please see changes below, please let me know if any changes are needed - https://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b169/Jenn_182/IMG_20190303_204642.jpg http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b169/Jenn_182/IMG_20190303_204648.jpg http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b169/Jenn_182/IMG_20190303_204653.jpg http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b169/Jenn_182/IMG_20190303_204702.jpg
  14. Hi Max, Are you meaning my shoulder bells look too tight? I had to sew my sleeves a bit shorter and it looks like its really tight there but it doesnt feel it (does that make sense?) Am I best adding velcro to my bicep armour and forearm armour? I have tightened these with hot glue but its annoying as they still move slightly!! I am having some issues with my bund, it doesnt sit high enough and overlaps on my chest armour! I have velcro already on this but i think i need to add some more. Thank you Max!!
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