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About Tjeccles

  • Birthday 07/13/1993

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    Tulsa, OK

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  1. Budget cuts have affected us all.
  2. Thanks, no worries I don't need them right away
  3. Any pointers or tips then? I've only currently trimmed the back and front sections
  4. No offense@sskunky , but if you put trim lines in the top of the visor I'm not seeing them. Though that could be more on me than the mold.
  5. What is the best way to trim the visor pieces to the right size? Do people make a cardboard stencil? My eyeballing skills aren't the best
  6. Trimmed my visor and ear holes some more. Also started on joining the two halves together. I used Loctite super glue to attach the pieces to the bucket. After those dry, I know I need to use Bondo to fill the gap. Is this stuff good or is there something that works better?
  7. Congrats
  8. Thanks Chopper
  9. I have my ear holes cut out and my faceplate started. Except for sanding, do my ear holes look good? I tried to stay right on wear the plastic started to curve. I figure need to take another 2-3 mm off on the faceplate before sanding
  10. I have one piece completely cut out! Granted it's the chin cup but it's still something. I have the back side and bottom cut on the visor pieces. I'm going to get some help from a Garrison mate with the top and front.
  11. Rough cut for the bucket is done. I'll work on the visor and faceplate tomorrow.
  12. On the front, should I trim down to the black line or leave it? I don't want to trim too much off.
  13. On the first picture, do I need to trim more off or is that good? On the second picture, the black line is where the lip from the casting is. What is the best way to cut that, using a Dremel or lexan scissors?
  14. So my build hiatus can finally end. I figured I would start on getting the bucket done since I have most of what I need to finish that while I work on getting some money. Quick question: Is this the chin cup? I have the Lonewolf bucket that Mark did and it's the only part I'm not sure on.
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