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  1. thx. i found a small guard on thing. i scale it up to 1:1 and it looks awful. you can see all the polygon. i smooth one piece of the arm with blender 3 times and print it. looks ok and usable. but the abdomen and the helm are useless.
  2. hi all, iam markus from germany. thx for let me in. pls be a little bit indulgent with my english. leo.org is on another tab ;-) i want to have a siut since years. now i decide to start. after the last film i want a preatorian guard, but it seems that nobody has one? so i decide to 3d print the shoretrooper, but after the half of the helmet i recognize that is to much. in germany it is a hard to find the stuff except the montana color hehe now iam looking for a kit. i found hqarmours in spain. did someone know this vendor? is the kit approved? i send a mail to bsp today but fear a little the shipping cost and dont know if the have one in stock. do you have any other suggest for an available kit, i dont want to wait a couple of month. many thx and regards
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