Back at it again with another build update today just focused on my Bund and flight suite.
I enlisted the help of my Mother to make the soft parts of this costume, she was super excited and happy to help so that was good.
She had a big roll of material that was perfect for the cummerbund and pouches.
Following all the information i could find using the CRL we did up the measurements and cut some fabric to test a fit, I have quite a short torso so my bund looks pretty small when not on my body but having all the costume on it seems to fit just above my belt and enough under my chest plate to cover the top tabs of the pouches.
To fill the pockets out i bought some off cut foam from Clark Rubber(local foam rubber and pool place) and used a stanley knife to cut a rough shape and size then used the Dremel to round the edges and shape it a little more.
Now a photo of it on over the flight suit ( i stand awkward in photos )
and the back
Pretty happy with the end result looks cool imo and fits well.