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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by haringjr

  1. To match profiles, I use a pin contour gauge. It's not necessary, but I use it pretty often.
  2. Bill, at the garrison level, we are currently restructuring our forum just a bit to include a unique costuming section, and the hope is to have current and past build threads live there. We do a lot for our Cadets in the Academy, and will extend this out for veteran members.
  3. I love that you made the Scout gym bag!
  4. Congratulations, Bill! Thank you, Pathfinders Command and Staff, for your attention to Bill's build thread. As GML, I rely heavily on Detachment Command, and value the input tremendously. Bill's process is a model for those building costumes. Bill possesses great skill and determination, so isn't necessarily representative of everyone, but the process can be. We suggest anyone building a costume get into the Detachments and lean on the experts there, then report back locally. This has been a pleasure to watch. Let's shoot for Lancer next! And we've got eyes on you, @Worst 👀 See you out trooping.
  5. Bill, I want to introduce you to Dennis M. @Aradun, a member of Carida who is also on staff on the Armoury Team at Pathfinders. Dennis earned Lancer status for his Scout.
  6. We're having a good time, and Bill's bucket will be a lot nicer than mine, which is kind of the point. What's not obvious yet from the photos is that we carefully notched the backside of the visor so that it functions really well. It locks down into place and also opens and clicks into open position. Very satisfying and infinitely better than my own personal helmet. Building this one, I finally understood the mechanical functioning of the visor and was happy to get it right this time around.
  7. The originals had the 3M harness riveted near the faceshield bolt. Rivets are hidden by the visor. This is mine, done in the same way. I have my harness taped at the top just to keep it from changing angle.
  8. I am the current GML of Garrison Carida in Eastern Pennsylvania. I support any measure to discourage the use the WTF Scout helmet, for all of the previous mentioned reasons. WTF fills a need in the costuming community, but the Scout helmet is the furthest of any maker from screen standards.
  9. This is the pinned Lancer build post, posted by @Strider using his CFO armor, but it looks like all the photo links are dead. https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/topic/17305-lancer-build-tutorial/
  10. Ah, I see the difference. You have been editing posts, not new posts? New post for each update is best. Dennis @Aradun still should follow this thread, though.
  11. Hi Dennis! Looking at this WIP section, the threads are organized as build threads. Isn't the purpose of a build thread to consolidate one's entire process in one collected thread? Separate posts will mean scores of scattered threads, dominating the forum. My suggestion is to 'follow' Bill's WIP thread, so you get updates.
  12. Anyone have better photo showing how the Hengstler counter was attached? I know various methods for the E-11 but would like to see the R1 E-22 attachment method.
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