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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Tomob419

  1. Chopper is spot on, Amy. This is my first build and I went with SC. I found the helmet kit totally do-able and that it fit well. (I'm 5'10")
  2. Congrats! Thank you for your work!
  3. Bravo, Max!
  4. Thanks so much for the input, Mickey. I think I may remove and redo the pouches.
  5. Hello Pathfinders, I think I'm getting close to submission. I'll see if I have any luck attaching images here. I definitely have to do something about the pouches. I may have to redo them or relocate them. I'm not sure if stuffing them will solve the issues there. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Thanks Retro, thanks 007! Working on adding some length to the strap.
  7. https://i.imgur.com/UbkR7UE.jpg Here is a test fitting of the cummerbund. Still to do: Round the shoulders Make flak vest Attach holster to boot. Any thoughts or suggestions for basic approval? Also, anyone have a suggestion on how to avoid the codpiece from bunching up?
  8. Thank you Max! Will do.
  9. https://i.imgur.com/CaISFRp.jpg Hopefully that link works. I'm still sans-CB and boots.
  10. I used foam. I actually tried the hard hat insert but I didn't like it in combination with the chin strap.
  11. Agreed! Great start, and I second what Todd wrote here. I was reluctant to attempt the sewing but an inexpensive machine and some YouTube education went a long way.
  12. Definitely quick. Got mine in a week. Great stuff.
  13. Roger that. Thank you.
  14. Thanks a lot. With the few remaining items arriving this week the suede is all that's left. Time to get to it. Should the stitching of the mudflap be hidden by the belt? By the cummerbund?
  15. I like that stirrups idea. I don't have the boots yet but it makes sense that you'd want some way to keep the pant legs down. Thanks for all the advice Ken!
  16. Thanks so much for the insights and thoughts. It's so much fun but also scarily challenging.
  17. So I've been slowly and steadily putting my rig together. I'm amazed at how much I'm learning through this process and can see how and why it can be addictive. I'm awaiting the arrival of my gloves, flak vest, cummerbund and boots. The flight suit came last night so I couldn't resist my first fitting. Any initial thoughts? I'm afraid of the suede sewing, as well as ripping the "knife pocket" out of these Red Kap coveralls. (It's built into the seam!) Thanks, gang.
  18. Has anyone run into trouble getting the topper to lie flat? It's rivet is seated properly but the sides don't want to stay glued down. Maybe the back hump isn't flat enough?
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