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Wannabe Scout Trooper

PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Wannabe Scout Trooper

  1. Ok thanks for the info.! :bikerscout:
  2. can you rivet the bottom elastic or will that not pass for lancer...
  3. I kinda want a strider but it's in a different country and don't know how long it will take to ship...
  4. How about SC? Is there anyone who has had SC for a while?
  5. Sorry for the misleading title, was going to post something else but decided not to and forgot to change the name....
  6. Is MC armor good? I've heard that MC can yellow and become brittle and is harder to work with but it's very accurate. But I've also heard some MC owners say they love their armor. anyone that can help?
  7. are there any mods you need to make to the mc to qualify for lancer?
  8. is the back hump seperate from the back armor? was wondering if I could use this for lancer, if not are there any other mods I will need to make for lancer.
  9. was wondering about any armor recommendations for the taller troopers..
  10. was wondering what brand armor should be used for all the taller troopers.. any recommendations?
  11. looking for an alt helmet so i know where to look when I can join 501st, are there any recommended sellers?
  12. which is the most accurate and what's the cost for the complete set.
  13. I've never bought from this seller so I don't know how screen accurate it is plus I'm also new to this but I found this http://studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html you should probably check with other people to see how good it is...
  14. I'm new to trooping and was wondering if there are any recommended armor sellers.
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