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About rawktrooper

  • Birthday May 9

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  • Location
    Centennial, Colorado
  • Interests
    Pilot, Aircraft mechanic, Military history, photography, graphic arts

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  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Just go for it. Its only 4 rivets. You wont destroy it There is plenty of reference out there for guidance.. šŸ‘šŸ‘
  2. the Salon Care stuff works great. You can also get a larger aquarium or clear plastic bin, add some creme to a foil pan and set it in there with the armor.. it will fume the armor and turn it white in the sun. It doesnt last forever, but it only takes a couple hours in the sun to get the yellow off.. some of the pieces of my armor yellowed while in the storage bin with no sunlight whatsoever.. so i think some plastic is more prone to yellowing and other isnt.. this method also works on action figures FYI.
  3. looks like good progress so far. let me know if you need help in Colorado. feel free to message.
  4. send me the helmet, Dan. I would love to finish it. I have 5 MonCal armor kits finished that i have worn over the past 15 years. I have no yellowing on any of them. Seriously, if you want to get rid of your MC bucket, let me know.
  5. I probably did 8 to 10 coats of very thin paint over about 4 coats of primer with wet sand in between every other. and 3200 grit at the end. Looking good!
  6. Looks good! I might have to find one of those for my own I still have the included lens in mine. When you get to the hinge part let me know. I can send you some photos how I modified my MC bucket for a 2-stop opening. It works really well and you can't tell its any different from a distance.
  7. The film costumes had numerous "Quirks" from the TK to Vader to the Biker. None were perfectly symmetrical and all had some evidence of "hand makery". Cal does not strive to be symmetricaly perfect in his sculpting, he is rather strict on film accuracy even down to these imperfections shown in the film. If you noticed one of these, chalk it up to your observation skill Great looking build! thanks for sharing.
  8. Yes, the new MC roto-cast bucket is great! Its a lot lighter than the fiberglass so that's a nice perk. Cal is working a new in-stock system so when he has them available you get them very fast. The MC kits are well made and put together like the original screen used kits. It took me about 3 weekends to put mine together.. one for sewing, one for fitting and assembly, one for customizing. I made my own pouches, and had the cumberbund made for me.. I had to alter the cumberbund since it was made a while ago and it doesn't really fit anymore so I added a fabric shim to it. I did my own boots as well, which took a couple days on their own. I still do not have a vest, but not worried about it yet. The kit takes a more custom fitting than a TK since much of the biker is fabric work. MC instructions are well done so it should be fairly straight forward.
  9. welcome to the club! You will love the MC bucket. I have the fiberglass/abs version and its amazing.
  10. MC has a new bucket now that is even better than the old. Give it a second look. I got my new MC and its most impressive.
  11. I just received my Kingshow boots. Will be cutting and making my Biker boots here soon. They look pretty good. I did see some original Biker boots online but too big for me or i would have gotten those. Hard to find in any quantities and range of sizes.
  12. I have MC armor and had just finished assembly of their new in-house fiberglass/ABS bucket and its fabulous. I have had no issues with yellowing and i now own 4 of their armor kits. I know they changed their ABS supplier a bit ago and this may have dealt with this issue for many, but yellowing is a lot to do with what you treat the plastic with, and UV exposure, etc. Their wait times have been an issue in the past, but they also had some medical issues and some staffing issues that they were dealing with at the time. They were also working with another armorer for their former Biker bucket, since they did not formerly produce their own, and they have done away with that lag time as well. They do have a new staff and are working on an in-stock ready-to-ship policy. The medical ordeal being taken care of, and the new staffing and supplier have done a lot for them in recent months. They expect this to take care of the wait time considerably. I consider their armor the most accurate of any supplier out there and i think you should give them another shot at coming through. Its been a tough road for MC. Quite a few setbacks in the last decade or so. But i think this is the turnaround they were looking for.
  13. the MC back and hump are separate pieces, as the original.
  14. New offering in early 2018 i believe. From what i heard, they are just finishing final tweaks and will be offering when the photos are done. Don't quote me on the timing, but its a great looking bucket. I am just finishing my MC armor, and then working some alterations for the soft bits (which i have been doing myself).
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