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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by xEstebanx

  1. That‘s awesome! Thank you so much, i very appreciated!
  2. Hi Peter, the holster was the only part, that came already assembled. Only the Vents had to been cut out.
  3. Hi Peter, thank you for your feedback 🙂 here are the pictures you asked for.
  4. That was an extra long mile to go! thanks for your consideration! Armor: Movie FX Helmet: LoneWolf Flight suit: modified Kermen Boots: Dsx_Props Cummerbund/Cod: Cheesewhoppy Flack vest: modified Cukblack Pouches: from Michaela Wahl Gloves: Movie FX Blaster: modified 3D print by Dsx_props Vest length: detail Overall: Codpiece, Vest, Pouches . . . . Boots: Armor Parts/ Strapping Belt / Armor strapping Blaster Helmet Action
  5. Congrats Helge!!
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