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501st Pathfinder
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About ST79211

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501st Information

  • Name
    Andreas Knuth
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Danish garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Shoretrooper: Squad Leader

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  1. Hi I would recommend getting Nico's file for the helmet, it costs a bucks but it's the most screen accurate you will get 🙂
  2. All the lvl 2 requirements are listed here https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:ST_shoretrooper
  3. Iam not sure about the pants. They look green?
  4. I build mine over a year, because searching for cheaper alternatives for glows, boots.. ect
  5. My kit is about 1200$ standard approval, as said depending on, what you can make your self, some soft part can be bought cheap.
  6. Depending lvl you want, i would sat SF is good enougth for standard approval
  7. Nice paint job Sendt fra min H9436 med Tapatalk
  8. Try and give this link a push, theres lot of HD pic's And close ups, of the shore. https://clients.sophiasartphotography.com/p715041040 Sendt fra min H9436 med Tapatalk
  9. Its allowed to cut the forearm down so it fits you. If its too long. In doubt, run it by your local GML. This should not be a problem [emoji846] Sendt fra min H9436 med Tapatalk
  10. Nice! [emoji846] Sendt fra min H9436 med Tapatalk
  11. Kool! Well happy building then [emoji6] Sendt fra min H9436 med Tapatalk
  12. Hi Good luck with the build, the first to get vanguard is another woman. You might want to join the shoretrooper fam on Facebook. There is alot of helpfull stuff there [emoji846] What type are you going for? [emoji846] Sendt fra min H9436 med Tapatalk
  13. Just dont paint the bottum blue Besides that, masking tape. Brown First, then saharah beige, then black, under the white area, then white. Blue over the saharah beige [emoji846] [emoji846] Sendt fra min H9436 med Tapatalk
  14. Looks good 🙂
  15. Been there with red can 😁
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