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  • 501st Garrison

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  1. I ordered two functional M300 replicas from aliexpress. They shipped quickly and look great. I'm gonna no to use one for my Hyperfirm R1 E-11 and the second for an E-11D.
  2. The E22's I've seen in person are impressive (most impressive), and the crowds love the hero lights. That said I'm going with the Rogue One E11 for more practicality when trooping. However, my M300 replica does light up for that extra bit of wow for the crowds. I will eventually get an E22.
  3. Cole, thanks for your contribution to the community and determination to bring accuracy to our builds. I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of your breeches. If all goes as planned, I'll be trooping in them in late October at a Garrison Tyranus event at the Smithsonian Udvar-Hazy Center.
  4. Looking great! As a Garrison Tyranus member, are you going to the Air & Scare event at the Smithsonian Udvar-Hazy Center? If all my parts arrive then I'll be trooping a Shoretrooper Captain in addition to my ESB Fett. Take care!
  5. Great work. I like what you've done with this project. Hoping you and yours in FL are safe from the storm. When you get a chance, I'd be curious to know how you put the shins together: rear opening with permanently attached shin or from opening with removable shin. Thanks.
  6. My understanding is that the color match to the screen used Halford's (UK-based auto parts retailer) spray paint is available in the US from different retailers. I found mine through www.paintscratch.com. I ordered the 1980 Ford Fiesta Paint: Light Blue TO/XSC-1401A touchup spray can. I hope this helps you.
  7. Disregard. I see Steven Walker's trousers have these features. Thanks again.
  8. Thanks for sharing! Are any of our talented softparts makers planning to adjust their designs for garments accordingly? I particularly like the seam pattern and the inner knee gussets on the trousers.
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