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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by thebrighton

  1. My bag was just for fun over accuracy but if I were to be ultra picky when you replace the D rings switch the strap around so the end with all the holes is on the right
  2. Personally I think it looks fine in its current worn state except for the black blob. Depends what the blob is as to how to get rid of or disguise it.
  3. Whilst awaiting customs to let me have the belt I've rustled up a couple of D rings. I used a length of 4mm steel rod which cost under £3/$4 and bent a couple of rings into shape on the vice. As per ref photos I've gone for 60mm rather than 50mm.
  4. Here's my finished rank bar. I added a black surround to the lenses and used the whole lens for the center button after spraying it white. Close enough for my manbag!
  5. The belt is, indeed, a pain outside of the States but the bag mentioned in the draft CRL is easy enough and darn cheap https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Original-Unissued-WW2-Pattern-37-Large-Pack-Khaki/233288171032?hash=item36510efe18:g:tQ4AAOSwPuhdLHfv
  6. Looks like you've already found the right place over on the UKG forum
  7. Just in the process of respraying my lid and sourcing replacement decals. Easy enough to do but a supplier over here in the UK has the 3 lines above the visor and the fish hook in black. Is this correct and still clearable as I was under the impression they should be grey?
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