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Everything posted by twobears9394

  1. the first link i sent has the helmet front thing below the visor and the nose thing as well you may have to check if those are accurate
  2. heres the top of the backpack https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1628735
  3. Have you looked on thingiverse, i have also been just printing out armor from there https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1300298 i am not going for accuracy, just being cheaper than just buying the armor
  4. Ive been printing out armor for awhile now from thingiverse, it is not accurate but affordable for me, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1300298 i have it all printed out and i have most of the soft armor, just sanding it takes forever
  5. I've printed a helmet from thingiverse.com and it looks good, only thing is that the bolts on the visor don't line up due to warping
  6. Yea i have been printing the armor for awhile now, not sure if its 100% accurate https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1300298
  7. never mind i found one, the thread just below this one, thanks
  8. Hello, I am 3d printing biker scout armor but I need to make a cummerbund. I've already been sent a tutorial for making one and I know how they are made specific to size but I need a pattern for one to start somewhere, can anyone help me out thanks again
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