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Ru4scuba last won the day on November 11 2018

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About Ru4scuba

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  1. Yeah. I’m in the same boat and concur wholeheartedly. Hoping for basic out of the box with Lancer something I can aim for. and also ok with the delay!
  2. Yeah got one too...I’m ok with that. Rather have it done right than rushed. Im genuinely hoping for out of the box basic approval with little to no work. Gives me something to shoot for with little by litte, here and there upgrades (Lancer) but I can still troop in it. Active dad of twins here so...only so much time in the day for extensive builds unfortunately.
  3. I think the whole intent was to try and make a screen accurate, but more affordable bucket no? I’ll agree the sweet issue could be a concern, particularly in the warmer climates however...
  4. Congrats...post pics!!
  5. It was selling at a lower cost when I got the full kit...I went with their original helmet but now that I see this, I’m wondering if I made a mistake (only in cost savings really) I’m fairly certain the full replica will be fine but this one looks pretty sweet! Thx for sharing the vid!
  6. Yeah...launched on this today as well...full kit. Looking forward to seeing the results!
  7. Check out Diversity Props...believe they have a 3D print one as well...
  8. Yeah...I’m strongly leaning that way...trying to figure out if they will do a run after the pre-order or if this is it. chris
  9. Aha cool...thx for the follow up!
  10. I am curious...what do mean by “direct lineage?”
  11. As close to pre-made as possible is the idea. Chris
  12. Hi all, New to the forum but but not the 501st...been eyeballing the RS kit as it says it is complete and build time is not on my side unfortunately...assuming the fit is correct, I’m guessing this would be good enough for basic approval...is that a true statement? I keep flip flopping between this, a Kylo or a Praetorian Guard... chris
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