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501st Pathfinder
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About Surfinshore

Profile Information

  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Gender
  • Location
    Redondo beach
  • Interests
    Family,Surfing,501st,Star Wars...

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ
    Shoretrooper: Grunt

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  1. Thanks my friend. It was great doing this at the same time in Jason's honor.
  2. Thank you pathfinder command staff. I’m very proud to achieve Lancer status and carry on the distinction of the rank. Thank you also for your guidance along the way wether it was from the forum threads or the comments on my submission. Will Glasgow TB-90277 Biker Scout Lancer oh and for my coolest pose. Have to go 007 style every time. Lol
  3. Hi again. I think I fixed it.I double checked that all the photos are set to public. Not sure what I may have done before. It took me a while to figure out the photo sharing So I may have changed a setting by accident let me know if it is working now.
  4. Hey there Retrofire , Thank you for the quick response. I've been working on the things that you mentioned and hope I have them corrected properly. The helmet ear openings have been enlarged. Please refer to attached photo. In regards to the tank top: It is not warped and I didn't install an extra piece of plastic. It is held on with just the rivet and elastic. I think maybe between the way I was holding it and pushing on the eleasic with the tape measure and the glare from the overhead lights may have given a shadow to make it appear to have the extra piece and be warped. Please refer to the attached photos : one taken with the tank removed and on edge to show that the top is flat and attached with the elastic via the rivet underneath. And another from above showing a straight horizontal line across the top. The boots now have the additional cutouts to the heel part of the soles as requested. ( don't know how they got missed, lol) please refer to the attached photo. I have taken an additional photo of the vest sleeve and lightened it so that the stitching of the ribbing will be more visible and included the edge on one looking through the arm hole as requested. Also please refer to the attached photos in full costume that now should have visibility of the sleeve at no more than 1 1/2" past the shoulder armor. The forearms have been repositioned slightly lower below the elbows for proper alignment. Please refer to the attached photos in full costume I have shortened the biceps at the top by a little more than 1/4" as suggested and also repositioned them lower and below the shoulders as requested. (I was used to having the biceps needing to be under the shoulders as with a TK and other armor. Lol, sorry about that) please refer to the attached photo of the biceps with the trimmed parts next to them and the photos in full costume for the repositioning below the shoulders. I hope I have taken care of the requested fixes and fitting issues. If other photos or views are needed let me know. Thank you again for reviewing my submission Will G. TB-90277 helmet ear openings tank top Boots vest sleeves biceps front back right left helmet up
  5. William Glasgow TB-90277 Southern California Garrison/ Los Angeles Squad Biker Scout : Return of the Jedi Lancer Deploymemt Submission. Armor and Helmet: Studio Creations. Helmet side bolts and liner from imperial surplus. Flight suit, flak vest, cummerbund, cod and boots: made to lancer specs by Christopher Ruiz and alterations by myself. Gloves: Wampa wear Blaster pistol: Nikki King at Abby Normal Customs Thank you for taking to taking the time in reviewing my submission. I hope I have included everything. If other photos or views are needed let me know. Front bucket up front back left Right arms up front Arms up back Arms up rt Arms up left action gloves Flight suit front Flight suit back Collar Thigh elastic flak vest front vest back Velcro vest sleeve cumberbund and cod cod elastic cumbe bund stitching box width box height box depth Box flap bottom width Cummerbund back Velcro belt width and rivets belt box straps Thermal detonator boots front with holster cut outs boots back Boot Velcro knee armor rivets knee top elastic knee bottom elastic forearm elastic bicep T bits bicep elastic shoulder bell tie wrap shoulder bell elastic shoulder bridge top cover Chest / back side strap tank top tank bottom rivet tank elastic Helmet side bolts helmet ear cut out blaster pistol balaclava Thank you agin for your time and consideration of my submission. I will look for your responses Will G. 90277 "Surfinshore"
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